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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Study: Dems’ $15 Wage Would Kill 7 Million Jobs

The $15 minimum wage backed by the Democratic Party will eliminate more than 7 million jobs, according to a new report.

Democratic delegates approved a party platform backing the $15 minimum wage on Monday. The proposed rate hike follows a multi-million dollar campaign by the politically influential Service Employees International Union.

It would more than double the federal minimum of $7.25 and effectively raise labor costs to more than $18 an hour per employee, after payroll taxes and other mandates. The move would force employers to seek offsets, which could hurt the prospects of workers, particularly inexperienced and low-skilled ones.

“Businesses would respond to these higher labor costs by reducing employment of affected workers by over one-sixth, thus eliminating approximately seven million full-time-equivalent (FTE) jobs by 2021. Forcing employers to pay starting wages of $15 per hour would make many less skilled workers unemployable,” labor policy expert James Sherk wrote in a new report for the Heritage Foundation.

Shark is not the first person to voice concerns about the effect of the $15 wage on employment levels. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was the only primary candidate to oppose the $15 rate, backing an increase to $12 an hour after consulting with economic advisers and academic economists.

More here

1 comment:

  1. Wonder how many Democrats read this - especially the hourly wage ones?!

    They need to understand the historical consequences of forced wage hikes - and the potential future impact to their livelihood!


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