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Monday, July 18, 2016

Stoking racial tensions. A two way street.


  1. This was the courthouse shooting and it was in the news as long as the Dallas shooting was. There wasn't 24/7 coverage of Dallas or Baton Rouge so to say that there was is disingenuous. Besides even if it were true the cause du jour is blacks perceived mistreatment by police so anything they do against the police is will get more coverage.

  2. The Dems are desperate!

  3. Whatever! I heard everything about this shooting. Does not stay in the media as long because white lives apparently do not matter.

  4. The media has an agenda and has to stick to the perception that white cops kill black people. This doesn't fit the plan.

  5. Thank God I think people are getting wise to this on all sides of the debate.

  6. Occupy DemoTURDS, what do you expect?

  7. The news has only so much room for these stories. There's too many @ this time to announce them all.

  8. He's just as despicable as anyone else that kills police. Start giving them the death penalty without a trial, waste of tax payers $. There will be two officers less to run to his families emergencies, chew on that for awhile.

  9. Different strokes, different strokes...


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