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Friday, July 01, 2016

Sticks and Stones: Trump Supporters Xenophobic, Misogynystic, Homophobic, and Islamophobic

Hillary Clinton says she feels sympathy for Donald Trump supporters who are taken in by the New Yorker, but warned voters that she thinks his message is offensive.

“I am sympathetic to a lot of the people attracted by Trump’s message, who are feeling really left out and left behind,” she said during a YouTube Creators summit in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday.

Some Trump supporters, she argued, were “frustrated” and “fearful” and therefore susceptible to what she described as Trump’s “misleading promises.”

But she accused many Trump supporters of falling prey to his controversial message.

“I’m not sympathetic to the xenophobia, the misogyny, the homophobia, the Islamophobia, and all of the other sort of dog whistles that Trump uses to create that fervor among a lot of his supporters,” she said.

More here


  1. better than a liar, thief, murderer

  2. How do we know whether she's telling the truth this time?

  3. Whatever words escape her lips are suspect. We will waste far too much time trying to separate truth from whatever it is she says. She has become irrelevant, and it's all her own doing.

  4. THey both suck can we get a do-over

  5. I guarantee Hillary doesn't even know the meaning of these words. She's evil and clueless at the same time...not good

  6. She's delusional, and expects that we will all go along with her "majesty's" opinions!

  7. What does she call the way she has treated the women who her husband cheated with?
    Can she say ANYTHING that isn't BS???
    Keep cheering.

  8. Name- calling is all they have.


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