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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Statement from Mayor Jake Day on the sale of the Salisbury Giant:

This morning I was contacted by representatives of Royal Ahold and Delhaize Group who advised me that they will sell the Salisbury Giant to Albertson’s Companies, Inc. In the coming months, the Salisbury Giant will become an Acme supermarket. The loss of our Giant is a situation which has been the topic of much discussion and worry over the past few months, but I’m happy to say that there is very, very good news to report.

First and most important, not one current Salisbury Giant employee will lose their job. There will be no store closure, and current Giant employees will continue on as Acme employees. This is fantastic news for the employees, their families, and our local economy. Additionally, the Salisbury Acme will remain a union shop. Current employees’ standing as union members will not be affected in any way. I’m unable to speak to what may or may not happen in other markets, except to say that it is my understanding that our store is the only location where this will happen.

All of this means that, by and large, what Salisbury residents can expect to see is a sign change. Acme is a brand which has history in Salisbury, and I expect that residents will find the new store to be comparable to the Giant which it replaces. The bottom line is this: The store which has been known as Salisbury’s premier supermarket will stay on – employees and all – with a new name. I’m excited to welcome Acme to Salisbury, and I will do everything I can to help them become part of our community.


  1. I call BS!!! How can there not be any closure to renovate to acme marketing and trademark ?? no one will lose their job, that's a stretch. But here's the mystery ACME had store on civic ave that bolted a few years back so to me this whole thing smells of S•••

  2. maybe they will lower prices a little bit. I love Giant but it is very expensive.

  3. I used to like the Acme in the Twilley Shopping Center. I rode down to Ocean City a while back to shop at the Acme there after it opened. The store has changed. The prices are higher than Giant.

  4. Mr. BS is back. I have witnessed several large grocery stores remain open during transitions to new owners. Some much larger than the Giant is Salisbury. They are not open 24hrs. and are not bust at the beginning or end of the day which allows contractor to work without causing a major inconvenience.

  5. Bye bye favorite brands. Acme is a far more inexpensive supermarket in terms of what they carry. Although it is indeed good news for the employees. Salisbury just took a big step downward.

  6. Whether it's an Acme or Giant it's still in the middle of a ghetto, and that will still be a problem.

  7. I've been in grocery stores where they had curtained off areas w/canvas while contractors worked to remodel.

  8. Sad to see. Acme is a place to avoid, and our Giant really had a great selection.

    Atta boy Jake, spinning a negative into a positive. Sorta like your entire career in public office!

  9. Can we please get a quality grocery in the North end of Salisbury????

  10. Mr. BS here yea you can try and sugar coat it any way you want but anytime you have to have an armed guard in a grocery store there's definitely a problem. Oh wait shore stop two blocks diwn was just robbed. Let's not forget the panhandlers on each end of the parking lot and the homeless sleeping behind the store. You leaders are a bunch of clowns you lack the vision and knowledge to properly run and maintain a city

  11. I'm awfully glad the employees won't be losing their jobs BUT I do not like ACME. And why did Acme move in the first place? It was here before! This is so stupid to me. I like Giant. I like the efficiency, the professionalism, the friendliness of the employees and the quality of the food is the best in the area. I'm glad for the employees but this whole change is stupid.

  12. Giant is so much better than Acme. We have Acme here in Ocean City....Blah. Giant's deli is fantastic and the deli employees are quick and friendly. Their organic produce and all of their produce is fresh and plentiful. Meats and bakery are great. Acme doesn't even come close.

  13. Nothing is forever. We could be riding Camels, be happy with what we got.

  14. Hey FAKE day how's that labinal thing working out for you?? I'm surprised you haven't tried to come up with some stupid deal to sell it to an outside company for a $1 let them come in for ten years tax exempt then bolt out on you AGAIN!! Yea that 3,000,000 price tag kinda poisonous

  15. I still don't know why they didn't close the crappy Food Lion, if it was a problem having both stores.

  16. 6:23
    Food Lion and Giant are owned by the same company now. The government won't let them both be in the same town I guess it creates a monopoly. The company had the choice to either close 5 Food Lions in Salisbury or the 1 Giant. They kept the Giants in Delaware and sold the Food Lions.

  17. 6:19
    They will sell it to Gillis Gilkerson for a dollar so they can sell it in the future for millions.

  18. Unions = Higher Prices. period

  19. Yay, I like Acme.

  20. If the new store isn't up to customer standards the customers will vote with their feet. In comparing Acme to Giant over the years, it will be a big effort for Acme to meet those standards.

  21. HEY jake how about a statement on CRIME in the BURY.?

  22. I have heard people say they like the Acme in Easton. Also, I've been told that there will be no need for an extended closure. They can change to Acme overnight.

  23. Acme in the Twilley Center was the shiz in the 1980's. Loved that store.

  24. Let us not kid ourselves. Acme is a step down from what GIANT has been. We will have to wait and see how they treat the dedicated staff at GIANT.

  25. The employees lose period! What about the vacations they earned over 20 years! Yes they get paid for them but now they get to start all over with 0 vacation. When Super Fresh closed one of them went to work in Giants Bakery and had to wait 18 months for her insurance to take effect! They are in for a big surprise ...just watch!

  26. Has anyone been in an Acme lately? I am actually shocked they are even opening in Salisbury as their tenancy seems to have been to open new locations in affluent areas. They are steps above Giant and Harris Teeter. They are in Greenwich CT, Middletown DE, Easton and St Michaels, Bronxville NY and other 'high rent' towns in NY and NJ and PA.

  27. 9:40 Yes I have been in Acme recently and they don't even come close to Giant or Harris Teeter. Sad deli department with Dietz and Watson. Produce is marginal with very few organics. Bakery stinks. Everything pre baked and shipped in. No thanks.

  28. Hey, we live in Salisbury! What did you expect. Anything in Salisbury that is even remotely decent eventually leaves town. ACME is a dump, always has been and always will be. Food Lion even ranks higher then that place. To those who were wishing for a Harris Teeter, keep dreaming, that day will never come.

  29. More evidence that da Bury has gone from being the leader to the loser on the Shore. It will become another "Sav-a-lot" real soon.

  30. 🍭🍭🍭🍭PrincessJuly 14, 2016 at 11:42 PM

    Last time Acme was here they went bankrupt. And they believe it will do better now? ✊🏻✊🏻✊πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™€

  31. The Acme in Rehoboth on Rt. 1 is as nice if not nicer than the present Giant.

  32. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the loss of the giant/shell gasoline rewards points for us. I know tons of people who use them religiously... Also, do Acme stores have pharmacies? If not then there will be employees losing jobs...

  33. great just freaking great another low rent chain posing! food lion sucks and acme aint any better! just lovely. day you suck, do you actually think we believe any of the bs that comes outta your mouth?
    loser! crawl back up iretons butt!

  34. Good morning FAKE day Mr. BS here again this morning!! WTF are you doing bozo?? This city and county can't be totally be centered around SU!! The students and parents are starting to realize the problems here in the county and city and they soon will follow in vacating. The students if you ask the majority think Salisbury is a cesspool and can't wait to get away from the area

  35. Darn! I was really hoping for a Safeway store. I consider them more upscale than Acme. From reading online, it looks like the Safeway in Rehoboth has a gas station to use your gas points. I would have been nice if we could have that.

  36. The important thing here is jobs will be saved and it will not just be another boarded up closed building blight on the city. As Martha Stewart used to say "it's a good thing" people.

  37. I can not believe all the egotistic, ignorant comments about Acme taking over Giant! First of all, they saved over a hundred jobs in a low income area where a good paying job arehard to find. Get over your self, Harris-Teeter, Wegmans, and Trader Joe's will never come here because Salisbury income is too low to support these stores. Other stores bid on Giant, but we're non Union. Due to union contracts, many of Giant employees could not work for non Union stores. Again, lose of jobs. Acme saved this store and it employees. Giant and Acme carry most of the same items. Prices will be about the same, besides, most Salisbury grocery shoppers are cherry picker anyway. That means they come in and buy sales items only, if you did not know. Acme will keep all the employees, and their benefits. I know you would like Giant to stay, but that can't happen with the merger. Welcome the new store and give it a fair shot, the employees will be great full and they spend their income in our local area also. Everyone can win, if you go in with an open mind, and just stop being so spoiled and critical. Change can be evolutionary , not revolutionary!

  38. Hey FAKE Day Mr.BS here again!! Your sarcasm and lack of effort to actually help the citizens of salisbury should embarrass you!! You think some last minute ditch effort to claim victory that supposedly 100 jobs are being saved is ludicrous. If you put half the effort in to the people as you did your own personal agenda with spending millions on downtown revitalization you could boast. And let's not even go there about how your little group of business cronies are becoming millionaires off of all your YEA I HAVE TO SAY IT BS!!!

  39. Yawn?? Exactly what transpires when listening to a PAC 14 taping of salisbury council meetings!! It's especially entertaining watching go into his Napoleon little man mode and STEVENSON following around like his hured butler, yes sir, duly noted, uhh I really don't know what I'm doing can I get back to you on that after I research it. Sakisbury's version of Barnum bailey

  40. Day...you can help the community by resigning and taking most of the council with you...you are just another wannabe who can't be

  41. I like Acme, and I especially like the quality of their meats and selection. I drive to the Easton Acme least once a month because the choice and selection here in Salisbury Sucks. I Also drive to Annapolis just to shop at Trader Joe's.

  42. 9:40 is correct. The Acme in Easton, is much nicer than Giant here is Salisbury. The commenters need to take a drive to Easton and see it for yourself. A much nicer store, with a better selection. They have a great meat butcher area where you get get meat cut to order and if you are looking for a certain cut of meat and they don't have it, they will get it ordered for you!

  43. Can we please use some common sense with this transition? Dresser and Crown Cork both failed as a business that were union. I give the union in Acme 1 year. Mgt. will find a way to fire, release, or retire the high salary employee. Watch the quality of product change. Salisbury is becoming a Walmart, WaWa, Royal Farms, and Dollar General city. No wonder Cracker Barrel is having second thoughts.

  44. Acme is not a viable replacement for Giant. They aren't even on equal footing, which is a shame. Guess market research revealed to the buyers this area doesn't even Giant-worthy. Now, we'll have nothing but equal grocery stores with no upscale items. All those organic people better amp up their cupboards because in September, there won't be any real resources here.

  45. DA 'BURY your one stop crack heroin and prostitute shopping. To try and compare Salusbury to Easton or Annapolis is crazy. Yes you would think that someone would have noticed our locations potential as being a viable community like those but not even close

  46. Which Acme's have you all been in? Acme Markets are the best. They do have pharmacy's. As far as anything organic I don't know their selection because any and all organic purchased in a grocery story is junk sold to the low information. Buy directly from a farmer. When the government got involved they diluted the word organic for the benefit of big companies like Dole. The Lancaster brand meats are above what is sold in almost every single other grocery store except of course Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
    Having a home in Bethany and in Northern VA and having Harris Teeter as my main grocery store for nearly 20 years now I find it astounding that the local folks think Harris Teeter is something other than just a grocery store. I mean really if you think HT is something special then you really need to get off the Eastern Shore for awhile.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Day...you can help the community by resigning and taking most of the council with you...you are just another wannabe who can't be

    July 17, 2016 at 8:49 AM


    Signed a Voting Tax Payer

  48. JAKE DAY is this true you're a cavalry officer?? HA your story just keeps getting better and better little man!!

  49. Jakie, go shop at food lion!


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