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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Scared Yet?


  1. Not a bit...I ride with the conservatives. We will own this joint.

  2. Dave T: Ready, waiting, bring it !

  3. I'll be your hukaberry.

  4. ISIS dont like gays,
    gays should get back in the closet.

  5. As soon as they declare open season, the population will seriously decline and the country will be better off for it!

  6. Liberals are educated in government/public schools. A godless agency of the government. Yes, government schools are an indoctrination center promoting godless classes and thoughts to make our mush mind, easily led children zombies. No critical thinking allowed. so sad, but we the people have allowed this.

  7. So if the stuff hits the fan who will protect the liberals? They have ticked off the conservatives with guns, the military and the police. I guess they are hoping the BLM, the muslims and the thugs will protect them. Let us know how that works out.

  8. Sorry idealists,
    The civil war is between the government (military and police) versus the people. All People. White, black, yellow, red, and all of the insane people.

    Good luck. You will need it. You have been buying guns and ammo for the government for a few decades now. Hope you can dodge bullets.


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