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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Saudi National Checked U.S. Border Security Before 9/11

A Saudi national who was under investigation by the FBI checked a security checkpoint on the southwest U.S. border prior to the 9/11 attacks, according to 28 pages from a 2002 joint inquiry released by the House Intelligence Community on Friday.

The unnamed individual also discussed the possibility of smuggling terrorists into the U.S., the report reads:

The report lays out several new connections between members of the Saudi Royal Family and two 9/11 hijackers.



  1. It goes way, way deeper than this, people.

  2. Exactly 901. It does. The 28 pages indicts a lot of people, including the Bushes and Clinton dynasties. That's why I grapple everyday, wondering why anyone would ever vote for Hillary Clinton. They look sadly uninformed. Even if Trump is everything they claim (which he's not) I'd rather have him than Clinton!


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