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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Salisbury National Night Out 8-2-16


  1. I would like to go but as a white person I don't feel safe. BLM don't like white people and really don't like LE.

  2. WOW!!! This is about the dumbest thing I've heard of yet!!! Wonder what kind of response and or interruption this will receive

  3. There want be any interruption there giving away free food and drinks

  4. I trust BLM and any fringe groups like them as much as I trust a rabid raccoon. These groups are just like the anti Trump crowd. They are out to make people mad. They are confrontational and are looking for trouble. They don't protest, they cause disruptions. They are people whose unconscious violence is not to be taken lightly. They have proven time and time again they are violent and deadly.

  5. I agree with 115 and 358 you won't see me or my family their.

  6. Who is paying for the free food and man power?

  7. National Night Out is and always has been a joke. Are we to believe that criminals will suddenly become scared because a few citizens came to get free stuff from the cops?


  8. This is not a good idea in these times. Sick of police and everyone thinking there will be a change. Why do they always have to feed or do something to draw a crowd of trash. Police had better soon start doing what they are paid to do and that is draw a line between the good and bad. Stop cleaning up their garbage and mending their hood where they stays.

  9. I have attended in the past as a white civilian. Very well organized event. Child centered. Mix of citizens from different neighborhoods. A fine event. Good public relations. You frightened folks should get out and see the real world instead of staying home imagining the worse.

  10. Isn't the County Council meeting that night? I guess they won't be there.


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