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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Salisbury City Council Work Session Agenda & Packet 8-1-16


  1. I live on Dagssboro Road. How is the increased flow of traffic going to affect the MSP getting in and out of the barracks to respond to emergency calls? The speed limit through our neighborhood is 30mph. Most people blow past my house doing at least 50. I see the police running radar every so often but it doesn't seem to do anything to curb the speeding. What is going to be done to decrease the speeding on Dagsboro Rd. I don't like this plan one bit. Isn't there enough area designated for retail stores in this area already that sits unused? The city and county just want to be able to collect more tax revenue without any regard to the citizens.

  2. Funny I don't see anything about the Fire dept coverage outside of Salisbury. This is a more important subject matter than the Parks and Recreation projects and the annexation of a small portion of land. This is a solid political "BS". Fire coverage by SFD is a matter of life and death or has that potential on every call and the City and City Council does not care or they would settle their childish tantrum. Tax Payer dollars or supposed to go for the good of the tax payer and what is more important skate parks, ball parks etc., annexation of 2.768 acres or Fire and EMS services?


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