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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Rio Olympics: Athletes welcomed with condoms, cool air

Rio de Janeiro (CNN)With a record number of condoms allocated and air-conditioners in every bedroom, Rio's athletes village starts welcoming Olympians on Sunday.

The new apartment towers built to house 11,000 athletes and 6,000 coaches during Rio's Games are being called basic, even austere.

But when you step out on the balcony of one of the 3,604 apartments, the complex -- with its swimming pools, tennis courts and bike lanes -- looks downright five-star.

"The athletes are going to have everything they could possibly wish for during the Games," said Paul Ramler, founder of RSG events, which has been supplying furniture for athletes' villages since Sydney 2000.

1 comment:

  1. I did not know that sex acts had become Olympic Events!

    Boy, I am really feeling old now.

    The times they are a changin'


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