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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Report: Holder Blocked HSBC Trial On Cartel Laundering

Former Attorney General Eric Holder overruled Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers who said British banking giant HSBC should be prosecuted for missing hundreds of millions of dollars in money laundering by drug cartels, a congressional committee report said Monday.

The report also stated the overruled DOJ lawyers recommended that charges be filed against HSBC Bank for allowing financial transactions with Cuba, Iran, Libya, Sudan and Burma, countries then-under U.S. sanctions

Then-Attorney General Eric Holder and his senior staff allowed HSBC to settle over the bank’s money laundering oversight failures rather than face criminal charges. They then “misled” Congress as to why the DOJ failed to prosecute HSBC, according to the majority staff of the House Committee on Financial Services.

The report was titled “Too Big To Jail: Inside the Obama Justice Department’s Decision Not to Hold Wall Street Accountable.”



  1. They cant make big profits unless they are doing something illegal.

  2. Holder should be in prison for all the corrupt 'choices' he made while AG...

  3. Holder was the most corrupt AG in our country's history. I think his replacement is trying to outdo that (i.e. meet with Bill Clinton right before the Hillary emails crime verdict).

  4. The banks are the real problem for all people everywhere.

  5. Insurance companies also.

  6. That was one of his slush funds like Killary has the Clinton Foundation.


  7. Eric 'The Pardoner' Holder orchestrated the Marc Rich pardon as Slick Willie was leaving the White House. His actions as AG were consistent with that approach.

  8. Do you now see who is REALLY making the drug trade impossible to stop??
    You rail against "thugs", but love it when your mutual fund goes up 3%.
    You're uninformed, deliberately ignorant, and grossly stupid.
    It's banks, military OFFICERS, Coast Guard commanders, diplomats, and wealthy people who can be confident that OTHER high placed and powerful individuals (who are also likely involved) will fine them (what is 10 million in fines when you make THAT much between 9 and midnight every day?) instaed of giving them prison time (like the dealers who get caught with a half pound of coke and get 15-25 years). Ship 2000 pounds of coke and you get a fine.
    Keep cheering.


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