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Monday, July 11, 2016

Read It And Weep


  1. bout says it all Bubba, time for a major RESET.

    1. Absolutely agree...REVOLITION type reset

    2. Sorry..REVOLUTION

  2. Thugs livez dont matter,
    cops lives do.

  3. yup, that pretty much says it all.

  4. While a revolution might buy us some time, it will add to the chaos. You are living in the End Times, The Bible speaks of it in the Book of Revelations. There along with many other signs it speaks of how everything will be the opposite...when wrong will be right and right will be wrong...as it is today. Seek God's face.

    1. Oh boy..here we go again. While I respect your opinion and your right to express it, I fundamentally disagree. Religions have come and gone over the centuries. The mythology and mysticism of Christianity is just another in a long line of fiction designed to manage the masses. This country, like man others in the last several decades is dues for a citizen based reset of a now corrupt system.

  5. The government is begging for us to revolt with violence.
    They want a reason for martial law.
    They want to take our guns.
    The media is the government's mouthpiece, propaganda organizations.
    They are stirring the pot.

    Don't bite.

  6. Sorry, but Christianity is not fictitious. It has not come and gone like false religions because it follows the one true God. If it was a false religion, it would've faded away centuries ago.

  7. I think he might have meant religious CULTS have come and gone. The major religions are still here and doubtful will be going anywhere until that ONE day.

  8. This picture says it all, our country is in turmoil. We have become a society of "all about me". We do not support one another, we do not defend one another and we do not respect one another. Every flag in this great nation should be flying upside down because of the state that we are in. We have never been so divided as a nation, we are The People, not two different people. We are A Nation, not two different ones. We should not be killing each other in the streets, how sad is that?? I grew up in the 80's era, where jobs were plentiful and our country was strong. But we had presidents in that time that had our country in their best interests, would do anything to defend it. It breaks my heart to see the difference in our nation since the time I was young. I pray each and every day that the Lord will bless our country but more importantly, bless those that are running it. Please, come November, for the love of God, for the love of our country and for the love of your children PLEASE VOTE.

  9. Dear 9:54
    Set this in your memory bank , voting will not change anything , the democrats will win , we have lost already . sorry Charlie.

  10. Surrender before the battle has even begun? That's a tremendous idea 6:00am.


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