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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Rawlings-Blake offers support to Baton Rouge mayor

BALTIMORE —The mayor of Baltimore offered help Wednesday to the mayor of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where a police officer fatally shot a man

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake faced protests and unrest a year ago in the wake of the police in-custody death of Freddie Gray. Rawlings-Blake knows the challenge of dealing with the backlash of a controversial death at the hands of police.

Her handling of the demonstrations and unrest in Baltimore last April made her the target of intense criticism, and might have cost her her political career.

A mayoral spokesman said Rawlings-Blake offered support to Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden: "Mayor Rawlings-Blake reached out to Mayor Holden in Baton Rouge this morning to offer her support and to tell him that she is thinking of his city during this very difficult time. She has a strong history of being supportive of other mayors during difficult situations during her tenure as mayor and as the leader of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, most recently standing with mayors across the country as they supported Mayor Buddy Dyer in Orlando following the massacre at Pulse nightclub."



  1. Hahaha. What an endorsement. EMBARRASSING HERSELF AGAIN.

  2. That and $2 will buy him a cup of coffee.

  3. I'll bet Dyer feels so much better now.

  4. She can't take care of Baltimore. Maybe she should take care if her own mending.

  5. #FreddieGrayTrial

    State drops misconduct in office charge 1st thing this morning. Openings on. State's abandoned false arrest accusation so to all those who said cops didn't have a reason to detain and/or arrest Gray-YES they most certainly did! Chase was legal and knife was illegal!

  6. She hasn't been able to do the job in Baltimore, what mayor in the US would actually ask for her assistance? One thing for sure, Baton Rouge mayor must not be very good either.

  7. At least there is video of the officer in Baton Rouge actually killing the suspect where as there was none in the Freddy Gray case.

  8. Maybe she can lend them Mosby???

  9. oh, she just need to shut up and stay out of serious, grown-up adult problems...

  10. Yea, because she did such a great job! I bet the NO mayor was just giddy with questions.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yea, because she did such a great job! I bet the NO mayor was just giddy with questions.

    July 7, 2016 at 12:55 PM

    New Orleans?? It was Baton Rouge!!

  12. Bet that warmed "the cockles of his heart"


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