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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Public Notice - Special Meeting Scheduled


  1. The relocating of the pump station from the property to elsewhere will be expensive, yet the contract calls for the developer to provide "up to $25,000" to do it, while the taxpayers absorb the rest of the cost. Of course, "up to" may be an actual contribution of anywhere from zero to $25,000. That language should hold the developer to a firm number.

  2. It's a sad day in the City of Salisbury when these elected clowns give away all of our city owned property so that their "friends" may become millionaires.

    Shame on you Jake Day and Muir Boda. We expected better of you two!

  3. What do you expect from Muir Boda it took him 7 times to finally get elected. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

  4. You missed what Ireton is up to. He wants to bring the trans bathroom rules and all of that to Salisbury. It's all over his facebook. It's been Jim Ireton's agenda all along to force this gay crap on the Eastern Shore. Jimmy we aren't Hyattsville and did you think why you lost your primary?

    Listen if you and Ryan Hughes want to hang out in women's bathrooms. Play eenie meenie miney moe... then so be it. If the sickos you hang out with are fine with it then fine. Do it in your own home. If you want to dress up as women fine do it at home.

    If you and Hughes want to play one two three shoot for who's the woman. GREAT! DO it at home.

    Stop shoving your gay crapola on Salisbury! No.


  5. This Special Meeting was crafted to fly under the radar. Posted Thursday before the holiday so absolutely nobody would see it or have time to gather any info as to the merits.

    Jake 'doing underhanded business the old way' Day and Muir 'Mr. Loss Control' Boda- ya'll should be ashamed!

  6. Would think this would warrant more attention considering the local corruption and mishandling/misappropriation of power and money. Just in old Demicrat style Jake Day & company are trying to quid pro quo like Hillary. Such a disaster is our local government. Next time vote a republican in. Dems have never served Salisbury well. Look at fruity pants. He did absolutely nothing to better the community.

  7. What do we know about Salisbury Dev Group?

  8. 11:48 AM - Brad Gillis and Joey Gilkerson and their dads' money.


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