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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Poll: Military Prefers Trump Over Clinton 2-1

The nation's active military favors Donald Trump for president over Hillary Clinton by a 2-1 margin, a new survey shows.

The Military Times polling also shows service members are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with both presumptive nominees.
Here's the breakdown in support, according to Military Times:

  • Trump: 49 percent
  • Clinton: 21 percent
  • Libertarian Gary Johnson: 13 percent
  • Third-party candidate: 23 percent
  • Won't vote: 7 percent

In other findings:



  1. liberals will not allow military over seas to vote.

  2. I think this pole is flawed I believe it to be 10 to 1 Trump over Hillary

  3. That fact is this shoild be the easiest election in over a decade for the GOP to win. Too bad you chose to run a lying loud mouth buffooon as your candidate instead of a real leader who has actually taken time to study the issues

  4. "..a lying loud mouth buffoon.."
    No, that would be you, 7:17.

  5. Donald Trump has been successful in his life to the tenth degree, 8:05! Hillary has no accomplishments on the table whatsoever.


  6. 7:17. You are spot on. You just have the wrong party and the wrong candidate.

  7. 805 oh wow, good one.

    833 sorry to inform you but the only allegiance I have is to the USA. The rest of you are beholden to parties that continue to drive this country over the abyss while the elite laugh all the way to the bank. Wake up people. Both Clinton and Trump are trash candidates. Folks like you are riled up to support any candidate the party spoon feeds you no matter what nonsense the candidate spews on the airwaves.


  8. There have been numerous problems in getting ballots to our military, and in getting them back in time to be counted.

    Expect more of the same this year.


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