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Friday, July 01, 2016

Police: Cowboy who rode across bridge abused his 2 horses

NEW YORK (AP) — An 80-year-old man who has been riding around the country on horseback, saying he was trying to call attention to starving children, was arrested Thursday on animal cruelty charges after investigators concluded his horses were malnourished.

In his white hat, Tod “Doc” Mishler had gained national fame galloping into communities, a God-loving cowboy whose home was a horse.

He was arrested three days after riding over the Outerbridge Crossing linking the city’s Staten Island borough with New Jersey. Veterinarians who examined his two horses said they suffered from malnourishment, dehydration and open sores.

On Monday, Mishler stalled bridge traffic as motorists stopped to stare. He was issued court summonses for blocking traffic and trespassing.

On Thursday, police announced more serious charges: two counts of animal cruelty based on examinations of the horses by veterinarians of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.



  1. Truthfully speaking,anyone can see when a horse is malnourished.Of course a court of law requires the testimony of a Vet for legal purposes but all of us have eyes.I have actually known people who helped families with children while their own children did without.Maybe I just don't understand people well enough.


  2. Hope they examined ole "Doc" too, he looks a tad worn.

  3. No animal should be abused.

  4. He had just left the shore. Worcester County made him rest the horses for 10 days after a farrier sent them an email about the condition of the horses. He left one horse behind and bought a new horse from the guy in Berlin that does the carriage horses. That horse was already covered in sores by the time he got to NY. He carries no feed hay or even a water bucket for the horses. He is an alcoholic and the charity he claims to represent has asked him to stop using their name. He's basically a bum that rides from town to town collecting money for himself and doesn't care at all about the horses. When he was last in Florida one of his horses so desperate to get water fell down an embankment and was stuck in mud and had to be rescued by the fire department. That horse is now in a rescue in Florida. His horses need to be taken away and he should never own another.

  5. A man who is trying to call attention to starving children is riding his starved horses, he should be in jail and his horses taken away to somewhere they can live out their lives being cared for by real human beings.

  6. Facebook page 'Stop Doc Mishler' has been created for the purpose of exposing Doc Mishler's previous cruel treatment of his horses and to assure he never owns a horse again. Check it out

  7. It's time for the Old Cowboy's Rest Home for this character.


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