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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist: Dress Melania Trump wore during RNC speech was racist

Back in my advertising days, “Sports Illustrated” invited my team to a luncheon to meet their models for that year’s swimsuit issue. We all received personally autographed pictures of Elle Macpherson, the beautiful model nicknamed “The Body.” As we took a cab back to the office after the event, I asked a female colleague what she thought. Her answer was “She has fat ankles.”

Ever since Melania Trump won over a large percentage of the nation with her speech the first night of the Republican Convention, the liberal media have been spouting the political equivalent of that sour grapes message.

After Mrs. Trump displayed class and grace in a speech where she spoke of her love of her adopted country and her family, the media homed in on the 70 out of 2000 words that her speechwriter lifted from a Michelle Obama speech.

Now it turns out that wasn’t even the craziest reaction. According to Elizabeth Wellington, fashion writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer, the dress Melania wore was an example of the racism of both the Republican Party and Donald Trump (h/t Freedom Outpost):



  1. They know racism is all but eradicated so they have to make racism up.

  2. This another Democrat tactic ...dehumanizing white people.

  3. Dave T: Total B.S. from a pack of kooks. Liberals can't take it when they are upstaged, so they have to come up with excuses for everything. Truly pathetic.

  4. BET t.v. is racist. So are the black awards shows and music. (map)

  5. This person is a certifiable idiot

  6. 1:16, don't they though, geez, digging deep for some attention aren't they!

  7. Someone would have to lay awake many nights to dream up something this stupid.

    I would be ashamed to say something like that out loud in front of somebody. Even if you paid me good money to do it.

  8. Ms Wellington is a black lives matter fruit cake, so let me get it straight since Ivanka wore a white dress, if Ms Wellington wears a black dress would that make her racist. They are throwing everything at the wall just to see what sticks, that is the wholedefinition of black lives matter, full of Chock Full of Nuts.

  9. And blacks want and expect civil society to respect them? Not until they get vocal about calling out ridiculousness. You are not taken seriously when you condone stupidity by your silence.

  10. B lue
    l ives
    m atter
    Thugs dont.

  11. I thought she looked a lot like Caitlyn Jenner in that dress.

  12. Always trying to stir up trouble. Another Democrat tactic to distract from all their flaws and wrongdoing.

  13. Wow Black people seem to be able to spot racism everywhere. I find her comments to be offensive. I want to claim some white privilege for myself and other non-BLM members and ask Joe to please not post her column, comments or that extremely ugly face of hers on here anymore. Sbynews is my safe space and I cannot tolerate such offensiveness. Thank you

  14. Is that Jamie Fox in drag? Sha-ne-ne?

  15. What a stupid idiot she is.

  16. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. An inanimate object cannot be racist. Any black woman could have worn that dress. They must not have had anything else they could find wrong. So they started grabbing at straws.

  17. practically daily, media tries to find fault with "anything Trump".A few weeks ago his damn tie was too long. Matt lauer thot his fingers & other body parts were too short. He should be ASHAMED.Trump should not have been chastised for those remarks when matt started it.
    As usual, it usually doesn't stick.

  18. Fashion writer, eh? What are those in her ears, carabiners?


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