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Sunday, July 10, 2016


By Thornton Crowe

Wow, what a week we've had... it's hard to believe we still live in America. We've had so much thrown at us, it's a miracle we don't have a collective mental breakdown.

From the FBI uproar over Clinton's emails and congressional backlash to BLM's marches before judgment and onto Dallas's horrific loss of five police officers whom fell under sniper fire inspiring other shootings the following day, this week has been a continual rapid fire succession of one thing after another. Even our own local events have seemed to conspire against any semblance of peace. One would think, stepping back, viewing all these separate events, they appear to be autonomous. But are they?

James Comey | Hillary Clinton

There is such a thing as emotional overload. It is a way for the powers that be to keep us continually in a state of unrest in order to get emotions to fever pitch. Once achieved over long periods of adrenal rush, people begin to wear down. With this diminishing resolve, tempers reign and cause people to do and/or say things they wouldn't under normal circumstances. Some call it Stockholm Syndrome - while others call it battle fatigue or shell shock, it's all pretty much is the same thing.

Is this what we have to look forward to until November? A series of never-ending incidents, designed to promote frenzy and mass confusion? Perhaps. It's not like it hasn't been done throughout history. Many cultures including ours, have experienced periods where we were inundated by events in order to bring about social discord.

Unlike people in firing lines or war torn countries, we have a choice to let our passions get the better of us. We can turn off the news and find solace in some mind-numbing programming, hug our dogs or play a game with our kids.

We have to remain calm even when everything around us seems to be going off the rails. These could all be wag-the-dog theater to keep us off-kilter - while some are positive, others are very negative and destructive.

You're probably thinking old Thornton has dropped his basket, but you will be dropping yours should this blitzkrieg continues until the election. I know many people's passions are high. We're all worried about the election and many are angry with the political class we have thrown in our faces 24-7, but we do have to dial back.

By no means am I suggesting that we turn a blind eye to injustice in the world, but we need to keep things in perspective. We can't follow the blind insanity not knowing all the facts - or react to politicians spewing divisive speech to get everyone all ginned up! We need to find some moments of clarity that requires clear thinking in order to discern what's fact from fiction - what's really going on.

1968 Vietnam Demonstration
This is one of the reasons why 1968 was so pivotal in our history. Excessive overload caused the young to do some pretty insane things, which got some in a lot of trouble. The older generations, while better equipped due to maturity, are still grappling with the milieu that swirls around us. We can't let the hostile actors win. Hence, we must remain sane.

Words of Wisdom!

 Have a great week!


  1. This week shows the difference between our 1st amendment rights and a version of anarchy. Liberals are not smart enough or as Comey described Hillary, not intelligent enough to know the difference.

  2. I'll Bring The Common SenseJuly 10, 2016 at 11:39 AM

    Speak softly but carry a big stick. FDR

    Words to live by! The ones rebel-raisin' for BLM don't realize the Silent Majority has not only awoken, we're paying attention and our Votes (Voices) will be heard. See ya in November, peeps!

  3. Thornton,
    You are describing a scheme which has its roots in Freemasonic Philosophy: Order out of Chaos.

    Some powerful people believe they must create Chaos so that everything can become better.
    Once the Chaos takes hold such as Anarchy, the government can provide the Order: Police State.
    Our future is not very bright.

  4. While I agree with most everything you comment about. Im in total disagreement here. It's this complacency, this passive position that has brought us here. Whether turning a cheek to misguided leaders or bad new laws or outspoken minority groups or even more recurring crooked administrations.Doing nothing but hoping your vote will work....is losing yet another battle. This...keep calm and carry on bs is exactly why were here now....now that the communist have total control from education to law enforcement to judicial to a complete tyrannical government. While I do fully agree about keeping your wits about you, being passive and carrying on....will only make it harder to salvage anything.While I , like most see Trump as the last like chance of salvaging this Country,I think this government is far to tyrannical and infiltrated to allow that to happen. These communist...from many years have been planning on this civil unrest....they will invoke it one way or another. All while good men do nothing.

  5. I agree with you 1:22. All I was suggesting was for people to take a break occasionally so they don't fall prey to the emotional exhaustion of the daily/hourly upheaval going on around them. They need some time-outs because unlike someone like me, who is forced to deal with it day in/day out, they have a choice to recluse for moments to regain their wits about them.

    They still need to remain engaged and invigorate.

    See my point?

  6. 1:22, I think you are right. LEADERS are few and far between any more. People are electing politicians at all levels based on lies and likability. The true unrest needs to start at a local level. WHERE ARE THE JOBS here on the Shore? Where are the qualified candidates who can answer as to HOW they can deliver jobs and industry.

    You cannot move forward within communities and country without jobs and economic development. I have a really good post going up in the nine o'clock hour tomorrow morning detailing just that.

    Everyone here is complacent. It's always everyone else's fault. They keep an economic development director on the job for 20+ years who has failed miserably. Oh, but he's a great guy.

    It's time to hold your elected officials accountable. Imagine what could be done here on the Shore with the proper leadership. HOWEVER, the special interests are LOVING the fact that all of you are FOLLOWERS and feel like you can't do anything about it. Your elected officials make it impossible to elect an outside County Executive because you have to live in the county 5 years minimum. They control you Idiots and I agree, you do NOTHING.

    You can start by DEMANDING they change that legislation and you will only vote for new candidates who support that. You cannot move forward with the same CONNECTED people. The faces change but the corruption and favors always stay the same. Look at Ireton as a perfect example. What changed from Barrie Tilghman to Jim Ireton, NOTHING. Well, with the exception of gay bars, anyway.

    Thanks for your comment.

  7. To Joe and 122PM, jobs are key to a real economy - not personalities. I don't know why voters seem to feel the need to 'like' candidates. Some of our presidents were nasty SOBs but they got the job done and the country thrived. As I told another poster on my other article. If they want a prom date go on match.com. Leaders aren't meant be liked always - if they are, chances are, they're miserable failures at their jobs. Even with our parents, they're not always popular but if they do a good job, we turn out pretty alright!

  8. Thornton, As I stated earlier, the county needs to change the 5 year minimum to qualify to run for County Executive. You can eliminate the Strausburg position completely and pay the Executive that salary.

  9. Keep calm and carry plenty of ammo!

  10. Where in the constitution does it state that it is the responsibility of the government to provide people with a job?

    The people on this blog never cease to amaze me... The same folks who talk about how about the government is too involved in their lives and should be made SMALLER are the same who complain because nobody has provided them a job. Maybe if they had an education or skills of ANY VALUE, they might not have so much to complain about.

  11. Constitutionalism is KINGJuly 11, 2016 at 12:02 AM

    1136 Nowhere in the Constitution does it guarantee a job. However, in the Constitution, it is guaranteed that States have rights over and above the Federal government. Therefore, the Federal government should stay OUT of the affairs of the individual states, completely. The problem is that Federal government is IN every facet of the states governance. It's the reason why there is over regulation. If we go back to strict Constitutionalism, then all federal regulations - including those on business, healthcare and governance of things like labor and EPA regs - would all be eradicated. The only federal oversight would be to protect the states from enemies foreign and domestic. Period. There would be no sweeping regulatory powers for the Federal government, including taxation on income or social security. While it would be lovely to go back to those days when the Constitution was king, as Reagan said in A Time for Choosing, seldom a government will voluntarily downsize. In order for that to occur a complete overhaul would have to be instituted.

    You thank Lincoln for the first over-stepping of federal into states' rights but then followed up on with the Supreme Court when they first started regulating the farming industry in the late 1800s.

    It's been a long arduous process; however, the federal government has managed to insert itself into governing powers it was never given as per the Constitution. Should someone be able to accomplish a reversion back to Constitutionalism in its purest sense, then states could go back to self-regulation and regulations that have been choking the hell out of business would cease to exist unless a state decided to forward the previous set precedence of federal regulations. Some states would do this; however, a majority wouldn't because with a freer business environment, jobs would come back by virtue of the government not mandating what owners do with their money.

  12. Thank you, 12:02! You nailed it! This is the exact reason that companies relocate to other countries! Because of our federal regulations, other countries become more business friendly. Somebody besides Trump finally said it out loud!

    1. Constitution is KINGJuly 11, 2016 at 11:12 AM

      Steve glad I could help out. More ppl need to read the Constitution. It's titilating stuff. Well written. By George those Whigs knew what they were doing. It's 240 years of ppl screwing it up is the problem. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  13. July 10, 2016 at 11:14 AM
    Anonymous I'll Bring The Common Sense said...
    Speak softly but carry a big stick. FDR

    Words to live by! The ones rebel-raisin' for BLM don't realize the Silent Majority has not only awoken, we're paying attention and our Votes (Voices) will be heard. See ya in November, peeps!

    I believe that it was Teddy Roosevelt that said "Speak softly but carry a big stick", and that it was Yosemite Sam that followed that idea up with "and I'd use it too"!

    Just my two cents, I could be wrong.


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