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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pennsylvanians Invade Ocean City


  1. Much better than the last group of Pennsylvanians I saw on here. (That was an invasion)

  2. I hope they left someone back on the farm to milk the cows....

  3. Perhaps there is hope for this country. There are still folks who honor their traditions and keep their faith, no matter the environment.

  4. I don't know why, but this struck me as very funny!!!!
    My wife's Grandfather was Amish and I see this all time time when we have made trips to the Amish country of Pa. I wish more visitors were like them!!

    They have good values and a very strong work ethic! They pay all their taxes, but request nothing from the government and will not take Social Security. They care for their elderly when they can work no more and unemployment is virtually non existent.

  5. We need more Amish they are a peaceful people, they believe in God and family what could be better?

  6. They are welcome anytime just like they welcome us to Amish areas. More Amish / Mennonites would improve the image of OC drastically for the better.

  7. they do not pay taxes

  8. they do not pay taxes

    July 12, 2016 at 1:02 PM

    The Amish do not pay Social Security or Medicare taxes but they do pay income and other taxes. Even if an individual is exempt from income taxes for whatever reason, most will still pay some form of tax. You have to pay sales tax on items you buy and property tax if you own a home.

    These people in the picture appear to be Mennonites.

  9. 1:02
    You should copy them.
    It feels good to stick it to IRS.

  10. I don't care what they believe in...as long as they spend spend spend.

    City Hall!

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