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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Pemberton Drive Closed Due To Sink Hole

Bob Culver Wicomico County Executive

Within the last hour a sink hole was discovered on Pemberton Drive and the road has had to be closed between Harbor Point Drive and Crooked Oak Lane. The hole is being checked at this time and a decision will be made how the repair will be completed. Please travel carefully.

UPDATE: Just received a report from the Roads Department that Pemberton Drive should be opened later tonight.They will be excavating the soil and refiling with gravel. If you should come across any other problems similar to this please let us know. Thank you.


  1. so we have a maze to travel to get home down Nanticoke Road. Nanticoke was closed down past Crooked Oak because of road issues near Oliver Drive so took Pemberton to Tockawalkin and around to Hunters Mill. Now Pemberton is closed?

  2. Our roads are falling apart. Why are they not being repaired ?

    1. Because there to busy giving away college grants.

    2. *too *they're
      There, there. College grants are apparently useful too. Touché.

  3. this is ridiculous--two main roads are now closed--

  4. Really people, do you want to fall in the sink hole, or have a little detour? Give it a break, they are working on it.

  5. 2:46 that is because our money is being spent to draw a similar logo and sign doe sby that looks like obamas... They are also to busy paving new roads to no where to fix old roads or the storm systems... They are to busy putting up cameras and giving police and the fire companies MRAPS and trucks...

    1. Maybe you should re-visit 9th grade civics. There is a difference between county and city. To and too for that matter, too.

  6. Can I leave Harbor Point??

  7. Don't build houses on sandy soil and in the marshland and there'll be no need for roads that will wash away in flash floods! Stop whining.

  8. What a bunch of cry babies..... Wah-wah....

  9. Thank you Rick for diverting maintenance funds.

  10. No amount of maintenance can prevent Mother Nature from destroying something... Just ask the people in West Virginia

  11. 5:10 thank you! We have one person with common sense!

  12. It will make setting up the DUI checkpoint/hiding in the church parking lot easier for WCSO to collect revenue this weekend.

  13. We are lucky that this is all that happened. I saw flooded roads in places I've never seen flooded before. Prayers to West Virginia, and yes, we need to keep our ditches and stormwater infrastructure clean and free of debris to minimize damage in these events. With that said, let's fix things and move on.

  14. That little thing? That's nothin'! There are potholes on Fitzwater Street that are way bigger than that!

  15. it's open, just came home that way!

  16. Blame Rick Pollitt for this is diverting road funds, Ahole.

  17. Who thought the traffic situation on the west side could be any worse and now this...Replacing upper ferry with a bridge is sounding better all the time.

  18. Hear anything about a kid on a bike getting hit on Pemberton drive today?

  19. Thank Bob Culver for diverting funds to his buddies at WorWic
    Just another Pollitt

  20. It's not Pemberton it's nanticoke road


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