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Monday, July 11, 2016

Paul Nehlen at Paul Ryan’s Mansion: ‘Tear Down Your Wall’ If You Won’t Build One for the Country

JANESVILLE, WI— Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen held a press conference on Saturday in front of Paul Ryan’s border wall surrounding his Janesville mansion. Nehlen demanded that Ryan either build a wall to protect the American people or tear down his own wall that protects Ryan and his family.

“Today, I am calling on Paul Ryan to live under the same conditions, which he’s imposed upon our American communities,” Nehlen said. He went on:

Paul Ryan, if you will not build a border wall for America, then I am asking you to tear down your wall. If you will not build a wall to honor the mothers and fathers of the dead, if you will not build a wall to protect our children, then, sir, you should tear down your wall and show everyone that you will live under the same conditions as they do.

People like Paul Ryan and Mark Zuckerberg love open borders so long as they stop at the property lines to their mansions. They ensconce their families with walls and fences, but then lecture us about how we have to be more charitable. And lectures us about how America ‘is more than our borders.’


1 comment:

  1. Ouch. That's gotta hurt, especially since the focus is on his congressional campaign.


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