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Monday, July 11, 2016

Paramedic Makes Gut Wrenching Post in Wake of Dallas Attack

In the wake of the ambush attack that left five Dallas police officers dead and seven more wounded, an anonymous paramedic posted a picture of a bloody ambulance along with a message about his job and the state of our country that has gone viral.

Showing the floor of an ambulance, Lost Scotsman, an EMT, posted this to Imgur under the title “This is hard”:

I’ve been contemplating for a couple of days about making a post to inform people of EMS and what we really do. But I cant. After these events the passed few days I’ve been unable to bring myself to make it. The reason is, I’ve seen people so up in arms about the very unfortunate deaths that have happened here over the last 3 or 4 days. And I get it, more than you could possibly know. And it hurts so much to see people willing to divide themselves over what has been going on. It makes my heart heavy. It stuns me that its so easy for humans to be so willing to say someone deserves death.


Editor's note:  The pictures on the website could be considered graphic to some.  

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