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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Our law enforcement does not get the appreciation and love they deserve.


  1. IMO love and appreciation is only shown to our heroes - after they are dead. Many folks get on here and make horrible comments against law enforcement officers, that in my opinion, should never have been posted in comments. One bad apple and the ignorant people believe the whole basket is rotten. Remember cops don't make the laws, they enforce the laws. I respect LEOs and have never been mistreated by one. You show respect and LEO will throw it right back at you. Too many blame the wrong ones for their own mistakes or carelessness or vindictiveness.

  2. Blue Lives Matter! 👮🏽👮👮🏻👮🏼👮🏾👮🏿👮🏼

  3. 👮🏽👮👮🏻👮🏼👮🏾👮🏿👮🏼

  4. SPD? they only matter to walmart. their taxi service for transporting walmart shoplifters to jail.

    1. 8:25 I am 2:51 and you are the type of idiot I mentioned. Follow SPD for a day and see what else their job involves or how many daily trips they make to Walmart.Even better, apply for an LEO job, so you can show them the correct way to be a good cop.

      Interesting to read you believe shoplifters should be given a free pass. Reminds me of another stupid statement I read on this site last evening.,,,"teach your kid to lie so he will grow up to be a topnotch lying salesman who suckers you out of money.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:25 I am 2:51 and you are the type of idiot I mentioned. Follow SPD for a day and see what else their job involves or how many daily trips they make to Walmart.Even better, apply for an LEO job, so you can show them the correct way to be a good cop.

    Interesting to read you believe shoplifters should be given a free pass. Reminds me of another stupid statement I read on this site last evening.,,,"teach your kid to lie so he will grow up to be a topnotch lying salesman who suckers you out of money.

    July 16, 2016 at 10:26 PM

    Insulting people will never influence anyone in a positive direction.

    I didn't see where 825 said anything close to what you descibe.

  6. 10:26, first off I wouldn't waste my time riding beside some rookie cop who's so damn scared he might just end up shooting me in the process. secondly my IQ is to damn high so I would never be hired. thirdly, I wouldn't violate peoples rights just because babs was told by wannabe day to generate more revenue. fourth reason, I couldn't afford the pay cut. a mind is a terrible thing to waste! Shame you didn't do better in school and your only choices are McD's or SPD!

  7. 6:40 AM

    wow. was all that really necessary?

  8. 6:47 yes it was. once again this fool thinks his badge gives him the right to disrespect others point of view! it doesn't and the sooner he realizes it the better for all of us, him included!


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