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Sunday, July 17, 2016

OMG: How to Eat Maryland Blue Crabs the ((Real)) Right Way w/ NO TOOLS!!

I don't know about you but NOT ME!


  1. That dude is hardcore!

  2. I never use anything but my fingers and mouth when eating crabs. Yes, it's a little messy, but that's part of the fun.

  3. There is absolutely no way I would eat what he is calling mustard. That is NOT mustard. Furthermore I would not eat all that crap inside. Ewww.

  4. He is definitely a hardcore crab-eater! Forget the "mustard"! Nasty tasting stuff in my book.

  5. That is the way to do it!!! You go to a crab feast hear all that hammering going on, folks looking for knives.....let me tell you they are not REAL CRAB EATERS!!!! Great video.....the mustard (fat) is good on saltine crackers with cold beer!!!!

  6. you might as well not eat crabs if you dont eat the mustard

  7. Just made me hungry. I eat everything but devil's fingers and the shell. My wife doesn't like the mustard so I get hers too. To each his own I guess.

  8. That must be how poor people eat crabs? Middle class will eat the good parts and throw away the "guts" and all the trashy parts of the crab. I've been eating Maryland crabs for over 50 years and have never seen anyone waste so much time eating the non-meat parts of the crab. He should just buy more crabs and eat the good parts. That's what the rest of us do. There's no way he's going to convince me to eat the guts. That's just nasty. I'm surprised he didn't eat the gills (yes, I have seen people do that too). Just because its edible and won't kill you, is not a reason to eat that stuff. You'll never see a commercial crab picker picking that nasty stuff and putting it in the can. Get fired for that, they will, and the retailer will get fines.

    Crabs meat is a delicacy, that's the part we are supposed to enjoy. But hey, to each their own. If he can only afford three crabs, then he might as well eat the whole thing. If he chews it up really well, he should be able to fill up on the shell.

  9. Well when you pay for them with a ebt card eating them gets better because you can then spend you money on needful things like i phones,weed,smokes and a new al sharpton tee shirt.

  10. I even suck the meat out of the legs. The only things that aren't edible are the lungs and the shell. And when it comes to soft crabs, everything is game.

  11. That dude got it done!

  12. I had one hand in a cast when I learned how to open crabs and now I can do one in each hand! And nothing is wasted but the shells and gills!

  13. When you kill an animal, use all of its parts for your own good. Otherwise, it's called wanton waste and that's a crime against nature.

    This man is a good man, although I have seen a talent of using a knife cut to get to the body leg meat that still evades me.

    I'd like to learn that so I can be less wasteful. Wasting any life is a terrible thing, and guts and mustard and the fat are some of the most flavor filled parts of the crab!


  14. And I bury the shells and gills in the tomato garden. I've got some beauties this year.

  15. I just threw up watching him eat a crab.


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