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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ocean City Mayor & Council Huddle All Day Yesterday In Meeting

Salisbury News was informed this morning that the Ocean City Mayor and Council were in a closed session meeting all day yesterday. 

All we can tell you is, yesterday delivered one of the top ten days in traffic we've ever seen. 


  1. Listened to radio on the way to work this morning, and the Police public information officer was on saying they knew this event was happening and they were prepared. Once again the locals had no idea and were left in the dark. Big Business in Ocean City is the only thing this Mayor and Council protects. I thought they were there to protect the folks who voted for them! They all need to go!

  2. 9:01, While I'm not trying to say what you heard was wrong, it is not true. We have an inside source in the know and that is why we titled our article stating they were caught with their pants down. They did not know.

  3. I'll add, I get to see all the comments coming in and let me assure you, it's CYA time.

    1. The mare and silly council only react AFTER their phones start ringing, heaven forbid actually do the right thing in advance. Besides, everyone with an ounce of knowledge, knows Tricky Rick runs the Town.

  4. That's all this Council does, cover their ass! Make matters worse, it's an election year for four of them, let the game's begin.

  5. Ocean City is starting to pass some very Draconian laws that further strip away your rights. They do this under the guise of trying to protect you. However you cant run a town this way. Instead look at what brought you to this place. No doubt people are getting tired of the heavy handed way police operate. If you are constantly harassing people with little cause just so you have an excuse to further violate their rights..well that's a problem. And god forbid you question their Authoritaa, you will most certainly get assaulted by the police.

  6. They needed to huddle after last weekend! Shelter in place with heads buried in the sand hoping it goes away is not an option for CITY HALL....leaving the town unprotected is now beyond UNACCEPTABLE!

    16 years into the 21st Century - its now time to allow actual owners of property to vote rather than the mere ~7000 registered voters in OC.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg and there are those (huddling) who know EXACTLY what I mean! Sure hope the funding in reserves is ample!

  7. Now now, you can all relax, they are just trying to decide how they can restrict or ban this pokemon go thing people are having too much fun with.

  8. "16 years into the 21st Century - its now time to allow actual owners of property to vote rather than the mere ~7000 registered voters in OC."

    This is how it is in affluent seasonal areas and the reason they are affluent. Also in states like CT where a lot of CEO's and other executives own homes but may live in other states most of the time where the company's headquarters are located.

  9. Rick Meehan - Do the right thing and resign immediately! Everything that happened this past weekend is ultimately your fault. Businesses shut down, tram shut down, numerous assaults on the busses and elsewhere, not to mention the chaos that overflowed into West OC, attacks on the police, and more that hasn't hit the media yet...all on you.

    While you huddled with the council all day yesterday, publicly silent about the mayhem caused by the thugs that you personally invited here (with your advertising in the inner cities), many other residents of OC are finally fed up with your policy. We want the truth, not the various spins you all considered yesterday to save your political hides. Why were so many officers uptown or at 65th St when they were needed downtown and WHY ARE THEY DIRECTED TO GO EASY ON THESE DANGEROUS PEOPLE? You didn't think we knew about that, did you?

    Your legacy is the decline of the boardwalk at night over the last few years. Wait til the video comes out in the fall, the one that was mentioned in one of yesterday's threads, documenting the night time activities of your invitees who the police aren't allowed to interfere with. The working title is, of course, "Meehan's Legacy."

    As for the city council, shame on all of you.

  10. " Police public information officer was on saying they knew this event was happening..."

    hahaha yeah I guess someone figured it out WHILE it was happening... eventually.

  11. If OC does not get in front of this situation, it will be another Atlantic City / Wildwood situation. Why do think you see so many NJ, NY , Conn license plates in OC? People will not come to the resort, property values will decrease and the word " family " will not exist.

  12. 7:23 nice hypothesis. Reality - the resort is empty during the week and has been for years; property values already plummeted and remain stagnantly low; family resort - AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

    Reality bites, but lets continue to build build build!

  13. I was listening to wcbm in baltimore this morning. Did you know there was also a BLM protest in Dewey Beach DE and some Cops were beat up by the protesters and even encouraged the crowd to beat up the police officers. Mayors from these coastal towns are having meetings on how to deal with these protesters.
    Most of them as it turns out are from black fraternities from black colleges. I certainly did not hear this from the local news or WICO!!!


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