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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Obama's Third Term?

Barack Obama took Hillary Clinton on a ride aboard Air Force One Tuesday, traveling to a campaign event in North Carolina. Clinton’s campaign promises to reimburse taxpayers for its portion of the $220,000 per hour operating expense, but the picture of Hillary disembarking the presidential airplane is worth the price. The trip occurred just hours after FBI Director James Comey gave every reason to indict Clinton before declining to do so. But the campaign jaunt was scheduled at least by early last week. What else happened early last week? Bill Clinton’s “chance” meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch — which might tell you all you need to know.

But there is more


  1. He wants to be her VP.

  2. God save us from these people!

  3. Say it ain't sooo......I'll go postal for sure.


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