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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Obama to address the nation’s racial divide in Tuesday memorial service in Dallas

Almost exactly three years ago, President Obama stood in the White House briefing room and said that he didn’t think it would be “particularly productive” for him to convene “a national conversation on race.”

But in the wake of a recent series of high-profile, racially charged shootings across the country, the president this week found himself doing exactly that.

Obama spent Monday preparing to address the nation at a Tuesday memorial service in Dallas for five slain police officers and meeting with advocates at the White House in an effort aimed at bridging the divide the between law enforcement and communities of color.

The president met for nearly two hours with leaders of eight law enforcement groups Monday, informing them that he considered the killing of the five Dallas police officers on Friday “a hate crime” and that he would work actively to serve as an intermediary between minority activists and police.



  1. I know in my heart that Dallas Police officers will probably not turn their backs on the president when he speaks, but I seriously, seriously would like them to do just that.This so called POTUS has no respect for them or their lives, so why, why should they respect his racial infused cops are to blame speech?

  2. Honestly how do you comment on something you are responsible for initiating. He would be better to keep his racist mouth silent.
    Hope the Dallas police show him little to no respect that he deserves.

  3. Talk is cheap. And there's plenty of it from him.

    Let's see what kind of PROGRESS he makes.

    Let's see some Change, Mr. President. Some healing. Some unifying.


  4. He might skate by because his teleprompter is much smarter than he is. Empty words. But by now, we know he won't dare say what's in his heart because even his MSM tools would have trouble spinning it.

    The nicest thing he could do for the Dallas families is to be elsewhere playing golf. Tough enough to lose your son, husband, dad, uncle without the hypocrite-in-chief dropping in to photobomb the services with crocodile tears.

  5. His words will be so insincere that I don't know why he's even bothering other than somebody told him it's the right thing to do.

  6. I wish he would have stayed in Poland. He is a disgrace. We would be better off with Biden in charge and he sucks.

  7. Hang in there...

    191 days
    13 hours
    8 minutes... as of now until the disgrace will
    be kinked out of the White House

    Thank goodness for the "mute"

  8. Couldn't agree with you all more, not sense Nixon has this country experienced such racial tension. I have seen him giving a commencement speech to a prominently Black college in which he said "embrace your blackness" that is inspiring racism. What would of happen if a white president said to graduates embrace being white?? He is an insincere narcissist!

  9. Someone above mentioned "change". HAHAHA...lots sure has changed over the last 7 1/2 years...still have a 1/2 year left. God help us all!!!

  10. I wonder 12:38 I agree with what you said. I was just thinking what message do you suppose his daughters have gotten from his actions and the way he is so racist and how he stirs the pot all the time. Do you think they question it at all, do you think the education they are getting is giving them food for thought. I know it was a long time for me with going to church and everything, that I finally caught his real feelings for someone black doing work around our yard that it finally hit home, it was the first time I saw flaws. I am glad my soul and heart are different.

  11. This is a laugh. This president does not support law enforcement. He has, I believe, been an instigator with all this racial violence. Now he's going to speak for the police officers? Really.

  12. remarks from him are a week late

  13. This was not the place or time. This was a memorial not a political event. The people in Dallas didn't even want him there. He invited himself and his grumpy looking wife.


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