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Monday, July 11, 2016

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops

President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.

“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.

Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said.

The dramatic shootings are an opportunity to push that agenda, Obama said. “If my voice has been true and positive, my hope would be that… [the panel] surfaces problems, it frames them, it allows us to wrestle with these issue and try to come up with practical solutions,” he said.

Obama began touting the panel’s recommendations in March 2015. The report, titled “President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report,” was published in May 2015.



  1. And here it starts, to make the police force into a federal police fore, just like what Obama said he wanted and would get, back when he was running for president... I am sure 90% of you don't and can't remember that he said this...

  2. Having federal SS troops is going to help how?

  3. Good. All that is going to happen then is there will be less cops and then you will see rivers of black blood flowing down the storm drains of the inner cities. Typical black-always devouring their own.

  4. I'll Bring The Common SenseJuly 11, 2016 at 12:08 PM

    Sorry. Not buying this one bit. Considering part of the problem has been his rush-to-judgment speeches. It is wrong. It's just ridiculous that he were to even try to pull this over on people's eyes. We know he is and what he is. Not buying any of these Oops! moments. He's only saying this because his internal polls tell him, most people in America are NOT happy about this! Period.

    You're being had again if you believe this hyperbole. 😡​

  5. Obama's BS is just that, BS!

  6. It is important and interesting to try to figure out what is the real agenda? Why is the government doing what it is doing? Why the race baiting on the media?

  7. Tell Obummer to shove it!

  8. Marshal law is coming.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Marshal law is coming.

    July 11, 2016 at 3:14 PM

    who cares?

    now on the other hand, if you meant martial law.....that would not be good


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