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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Obama: Police Shootings Should Trouble All Americans

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says all fair-minded people in the U.S. should be concerned about the problem of frequent police shootings of black people.

Obama is speaking about the fatal police shootings of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. He says statistics show disparities about how African-Americans and Hispanics are treated by police.

He says America must say "we're better than this." He says it's not just a black or Hispanic issue.



  1. His rhetoric, even in the last day or two has done quite a bit to incite and justify this.
    He was critical of law enforcement yesterday, and last night the shooting started.

    No coincidence.

  2. And once again he pushes gun control.
    Like that has anything to do with this. Cop shooters don't care about gun laws.

  3. It could be there are just as many police shootings of whites but the press and media doesn't cover it because it isn't as inciteful as other shootings of others

  4. What troubles me more is I attribute most of this divisive sentiment in America to him and his rhetoric since re-election. He was supposed to be the great uniter not the great divider he turned out to be. Not since the 70s has this country been this divide in racial terms.

    President Obama has beaten down the population with his novice economy of BS which has made many a lot poorer than they were 8 years ago! By doing this, folks are raw with emotion because of every day's struggles just to provide for their families. Hence, the descent into social calamity. Whenever people are financially secure, the tensions between us minimize greatly. (HINT: Learn real US history.)

    One adage he fails to grasp is, there are no bad followers only bad leaders.

  5. Obama and the media want this chaos.

  6. he caused this crap. It's going to get alot worse before it gets better!

  7. The police must recognize that their enforcement of illegal searches and seizures and their man-handling of regular people (of all colors) has got to stop.

    The police are providing people with plenty of anger.

    There are real crimes out here!

    Stop taking our property because our speedometer digit is 10 degrees too high. Use Common Law as your guide. Not Statutory Laws of an illegal and immoral government. Police need to be PROTECTORS not aggressive against the citizens.

    Citizens have had enough of bad behavior from cops. Most of us know they treat all of us bad, not just black people. Cops are the problem and they can easily become the solution.

    1. The police are not the problem people like you are. Respect and comply with the law quit making excuses for criminals. Quit letting criminals get away with their wrong doings and making loopholes for them. They do not treat us bad, and I'm not saying there are not bad cops. And just because people like you keep saying they are militarized does not make it true. Quit spewing your hate as it is a part of the problem

  8. 1007 get off your high horse. You, like the Democrats, toot this nonexistent precedence of illegal searches and man-handling. While we've had rogue officers, won't dispute that, in general cops now days are too afraid to overstep boundaries. Now they have body cams and car cams to document their every movement yet, you're yammering on about garbage.

    Please get your head out of your rump and realize these situations are FRAMED. Listen, if Soros can pay off countries and organize Jew captures in WWII at the tender age of 14, do you really think someone with such a void of moral compass couldn't pull off violence to support his NWO bs. Please. All this stuff is too well coordinated to be happenstance. Frankly, it shows how dummied down our culture is now that most don't look at the big picture items. Seldom does any one incident not hinge on another!

  9. Two Things Could Be TrueJuly 8, 2016 at 10:16 AM

    Please, 10:07AM, do not lose your head. You have to understand these things are happening for a reason. Not because of societal upheaval. That upheaval is being inspired and coerced to fill out something on a grander scheme. Like take our guns away for the common good. Unarmed society is one vulnerable to tyranny. Our forefathers said this and the sentiment came from real experiential experience not just pillows in the sky.

    Keep your head and stop trying to rebel up the 'masses.' You're part of the problem. Try being part of the solution for a change.

  10. Considering Obama precipitated this whole country's horrible situations. He created this problem and should be dealt with accordingly.

  11. This man, on his own and with the help of the likes of Jackson and Sharpton, have undone decades of healing. There are better ways to make things better than the path they've chosen. Their supporters were and are duped.

  12. The police are the problem.

    They swore an oath to defend the US Constitution.

    Try reading it. Statutory Law is not Constitutional. Stop enforcing statutory laws. Stop already.

    And stop brutalizing American citizens.

  13. I agree with 1007.
    But it is cops against all of us white and black.
    Black Lives Matter is doing themselves and us a dis-service.

    Need to get cops under control. They are arrogant and mean.

  14. The people want freedom again. They don't want cops looking into their windows and pulling them over for seat belt violations. I don't know what kinda laws they are or the name for it. But it is wrong and most of us know it. We hate them for it.

  15. 10:12
    An illegal search and seizure is a violation of our Constitutional Rights. You either don't understand the Constitution or don't care about what it says. Maybe you have never read it?

    Random searches and seizures of our property is wrong. It is dangerous. It needs to stop now.

  16. 10:12
    Sounds like an Anti-Semite?

    George Soros is a Jewish business man.

  17. 255, 1012 here. Your comment sounds so misinformed it's laughable. Perhaps you should study Soros's long history, including his tenure with Third Reich in Poland before making such insane comments. It's clear your command of history is sub par for anyone above a tenth grade level.

  18. 301 so you are one of those people who believe the Nazis were all Jewish? Is that it? I heard of this idea before but not many people try to defend it.

    Shame on you. Jews are the salt of the earth and a blessing to America.

    1. Are you high, 428? You sound like you're out of your mind. Soros is wanted in several countries for manipulating currencies and markets. During WWII he ratted out his Jewish neighbors and after the SS took them to the concentration camps he stole their valuables and sold them. Are you pulling my *** or what? 😱😱😱


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