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Friday, July 15, 2016

Obama Holds 3 Hour Meeting with Black Lives Matter Leaders

Meeting follows president's speech at memorial for 5 murdered police office

Black Lives Matter leaders spent three hours with President Obama Wednesday to demand action in regard to recent officer involved shootings.
DeRay Mckesson, one of the group’s most prominent figures, joined several other Black Lives Matter leaders at the White House to “bring up concrete actions” the president can take in order to appease its members.


  1. from jail to the whitehouse

  2. This is what Obama had 3 hours for yesterday, not to address the nation on Islamic terror In Paris and everywhere. He spent 5 minutes if that addressing the head of France on the terrorist attacks there! This man needs to be impeached now I don't care about January it is too far off, he is a disgrace to our country and our allies. He can do a lot more harm in the next 6 months, we cannot wait people.

  3. He is going to give them arms, ammo, vehicles, bulletproof vests, tach gear.

  4. Obama giving them instructions on how the protest at the Republican Convention should happen.

  5. This BOY is disgusting. Treason is the word for his actions. Drastic action needs to be taken soon and severe.

  6. He, Obama, has turned the meaning of "meeting the President" into a joke thing! He looks like he could have been his son....LOL

  7. I wonder if they all looked like him if he had children.

  8. He is deal making for their Presidential Pardons for illegal stuff they are going to do to screw up the election.

  9. Fellow thugs planning their next disturbance.

  10. Worst part about Obama is he's 50 white.

    1. That's the best part it's just afraid to do disagree with the black part.

  11. White House must be cold; to wear a Winter vest on a 95 degree day. Moron.

  12. I click thru to Info Wars and think, well that explains the headline. Tucked into the rest of the report is an interesting tidbit about McKesson living in a home provided by a Soros funded group. Reminds me of a certain POTUS who was provided housing in Chicago before his political career took off. I expect Delray will run again for office and work his way up the Democratic party chain in Md.


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