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Thursday, July 28, 2016


Oh, the White House was built by slaves Michelle? You mean US taxpayers… I know, sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, it confuses us too.

There’s just one big problem with her statement, which has also been echoed by her husband: it’s not entirely true. But don’t expect the media to tell you why.

Via Top Right News:

First, the White House was not built solely — or even primarily — by slaves.

Most of the labor force consisted of local White laborers and artisans (from Maryland and Virginia) and a number of immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations.
As the project neared completion — the lime-based whitewashing that gives the building its iconic appearance…slaves were indeed added to the mix.But once again, facts get in the way of the Obama’s preachy race-baiting.

That’s because the U.S. government actually paid the slaves who worked on the White House.

One slave — Philip Reid — was paid directly, a sum of $1.25 per day ($31 per day in 2016 dollars). Is it technically “slave labor” — if you are paid?

Virginia Kruta of IJR adds these important points:

This is in addition to the fact that Mrs. Obama is herself a multi-millionaire, along with her Presidential husband, a graduate of Harvard University who is herself a walking symbol of the success that can come to anyone who is willing to work hard and apply one’s talent in America.

In other words, even as Michelle Obama herself rebukes the nation’s history of racism, she is a living example that America has done much to overcome it.

Kruta also refutes the offensive comment of Mrs. Obama that The Founders could “never imagine” a black person in The White House, when many specifically wanted to eliminate racial differences:

“The Deleted Passage in The Declaration of Independence” written by Thomas Jefferson is but one example, though later removed to win the signatures of southern colonies:

He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed against the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.

The infamous three-fifths clause of The Constitution, although often ignorantly condemned as dehumanizing of slaves, was a strategic measure to erode the power of the southern states in The Congress, and ultimately lead to the slaves’ emancipation.

A separate clause in The Constitution sought to eliminate the slave trade to American shores in twenty years’ time.

Once again, the Obama’s never let historical facts get in the way of their race-baiting disses of America.



  1. Our squatter and chief and his moron wife do not care about the facts.

  2. It was built before my birth...."what difference does it make"

  3. You can't make this crazy stuff up.

    I'm goin fishin, call me AFTER the election....which according to recent history will be much later than Nov 8th!

    It continues to spin. SOMETHING will mess up the election results and it will be contested through the courts!

    Definitely very sad...very sad indeed!

    (psst - tomorrow is TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watchin for more funnel clouds today!!!!)


  4. Their comments are droll.

    His academic records are a total mystery; given his penchant for injecting "I" and "me" into every comment he makes it must really be frustrating to him not to be able proclaim himself Einstein cubed, and here's the proof!

    Moochie caught several major breaks. She was a good HS student and her brother was Princeton's basketball star. The notion that the sister of their star, and a minority female didn't get major or total assistance begs belief. Same deal with getting into Harvard Law (no brother there).

    Obama has slave ownership in MD on his mother's side, and there is evidence of family dealing on his father's side in Africa. That's not his responsibility but he's a hypocrite not to mention it. But it doesn't fit the narrative.

  5. All she ever does is lie. You would think that thing that spawned her would be embarrassed and not show her face but that's not the way these ghetto skanks rolls. They lie without a hint of shame. We see it locally.

  6. If they'll lie like that to your face...imagine what their doing behind your back!

  7. He wants others to hate the White House, the Country and what it stands for...as much as he hates it!
    It dosent get any more treasonous than that!

  8. leave my Whitehouse.

  9. They are just adding to the lies that black slaves helped make this country what it is today, however, some of this is true;
    They have made our cities into battle zones for drug turf wars.
    They have costs the American taxpayer trillions in welfare.
    They have ruined every city that they govern.
    They have caused racial tension to continue into the 21st century.
    They have 7 out of 10 births to unwed mothers.
    They have contributed to the overcrowding of our prisons.

  10. Irish and scottish helped build it and the Irish where slaves long before blacks but the Irish pulled themselves up and out of slavery and poverty ,what have blacks done.

  11. 12:26, Well, for one, Obama lives in the White House. Foolish comment.

  12. 10:27 you stupid bastard this country had 310 years of slave labor . If you and your brethren work for me 310 yrs for no I think I would be pretty rich. You people are just DUMB. 12:26 the Irish didn't pull themselves up and out of slavery the were given special privileges because they are white you need to study History and listening to your story.

  13. Harp Harp Harp on the past yo Obama give me back my money cause I'm not having some health insurance named after your ...


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