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Thursday, July 28, 2016

New Legislation Proposes To "Bail-In' Social Security

It was only a few weeks ago that I told you about the government’s annual report on Social Security.

It was a veritable death sentence for the program.

The Board of Trustees for Social Security (which includes the US Treasury Secretary) wrote that major parts of the program have already run out of money, and the rest of Social Security will run out of money in the next decade.

Amazing. Even Social Security knows that they’re bankrupt and unable to keep their promises to taxpayers.

This is going to cause an unbelievable crisis in the United States.

Think about it: half of Americans have ZERO retirement savings and will be fully dependent on the Social Security once they retire.

But by the time their retirement comes, the program will have likely already run out of money.

Well, the government has figured out a solution. And it’s genius.

Two weeks ago a new bill was introduced on the floor of Congress that, just like all the other really dangerous legislation, i.e. USA PATRIOT Act, this bill has a catchy acronym.

It’s called the SAVE UP Accounts Act, which stands for. . .

. . . “Secure, Accessible, Valuable, Efficient Universal Pension Accounts Act”.

I just tasted vomit in my mouth.



  1. The government managing our money has been the problem all along. That's why social security is nearly bankrupt. More government cannot be trusted.

  2. I have paid more money into social security than I will ever get out of it, as have many others. What needs to be done is the government has to stop paying people who never put anything into it in the first place (SSI)!!! It just amazes me how the government can't find a way to pay back the people who have paid into s/s and they can't take care of our Vets, but there is never any mention of taking away ALL THE FREE HANDOUTS FOR THE LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHINGS WHO ARE SCAMMING THE SYSTEM!!!

  3. 354 hits it right on the head. We will never see our ROI. Unless your an illegal and other tax suckers!! However I think this is the plan all along. Since Clinton cleaned up any equity the fund had at the time, to balance the budget. Then when the ref was not looking, Bush tagged in and re-started the current mess we're in now. After of course they funded and supported these puppets and dictators for centuries. Boy what a scam it needs to stop. They make out on either end of it and we get the shaft!! I don't trust any of them!! Trump 2016 down with globalists and the New World Order agenda! Long Live America and freedom!!

  4. It is bad enough when the Government robs the Social Security Administration for their pet projects, then you had Bill Clinton start taxing Social security checks, transfer the Social Security money from the Social Security Fund to the General Fund and started giving the ones on Government assistance money from the Social Security money calling it Social Security Income. This is different from Social Security Insurance which is called SSI checks for the retired. The Social Security Income checks are for Public Assistance, WIC which has no need to be taken out of our Social Security Fund. Politians need to put SSI back in it's own fund / account again.

  5. 5:59.....POLITICIANS need to be "put back on their own".....as in about 1500 miles off the coast of California with only a big ol' hunk of raw beef to keep them commpany.
    Or perhaps somewhere in deep country Alaska, with just a sweater and one match. On their own.
    Which is what WE are while they are playing with OUR MONEY (!) and securing their own futures while slyly sacrificing ours.
    The cliff is approaching.
    The cheering is at ear splitting decibels.
    Probably all the way up to the point where their "leaders" tell them the check ain't coming any more.....
    It will be too late to do anything by then.
    Well, there is ONE thing left we could do.
    Hang everyone one of them.
    It's going to be a tough job, but America can get it done.


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