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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

NC Deputies say they were taunted, served tampered food

Deputies in Cleveland County, North Carolina were taunted by employees and served tampered food at a fast food restaurant while taking a lunch break in their uniforms, according law enforcement sources.

"As they walked up to place their orders, the boys in the back cooking the food started yelling at them and calling them names," the wife wrote about her husband's trip to the Zaxby's restaurant in Shelby.

She said her husband and his partner, who were both on duty and in their uniform, ignored the insults and continued ordering.

"Then, as they sat down to eat their food, my husband realized [they] had put the hottest sauce possible on [his] wings - to the point where his food wasn't even fit to eat," she continued.

WBTV spoke to the deputy, who asked that his name not be used. He said the incident happened Sunday afternoon.

Cleveland County Capt. Joel Shores said he was angered but not surprised by the incident.

"Years ago, this profession was respected, it was honored. Now to get ridiculed, to be a target, to possibly get shot at, for little pay... what’s the motivation to be a police officer other than do it because your heart’s in it to help the community?” Shores said.

Shores said it's not about the taunting, that's something they face every day.

“If you’re not ready to be ridiculed, law enforcement is not the job for you, especially in today’s world,” he said.

He wishes people would realize the actions of a few don’t speak for the entire law enforcement community.

“We don’t want to shoot no one. We don’t want to pepper spray. We don’t want to taser, that’s not what we wake up to do. We wake up to protect,” he said.



  1. Treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one ,he will bite you back ,
    with amazing effectiveness . These people who hate the law will learn the hard way.

  2. You call making 100k or more a year little pay??? I will gladly switch with you, if you don't like your pay or your job... You must be a cop for other reasons then??? To abuse people perhaps???

    You cops created this hatred so wear it proudly... What did you think would happen when people lost hope? What do you expect people to do who are being bullied by people who are there to supposedly help them? Who do you turn to, when the cops, judges, da's and lawyers are all corrupt and out to ruin your life for the sake of money???

    I think the cops are getting what they deserve, and I do't give two shits if you agree or not... I don't see cops doing good deeds like those firemen saving a dog, instead a cop would call it over, shoot it and claim he was in fear...

  3. He should sue the restaurant and retire a millionaire.

  4. You do not judge All cops by the minoritys'
    actions----That is the mentality of
    soooo Many People out there . Yes, stand
    up for justice when others are not treated
    right but do not start riots & stir hatred
    among our Nation or we will wind up like
    foreign countries --- fighting in the
    Thos who wish to live like that---leave

  5. I know, and have known, many cops during my lifetime. There are those that were just looking for a government job that would give them that government pension. They are the kind to do just what is required and put in their time until they collect. Other cop friends of mine just grew up with the itch to drive fast and being a cop is a license to drive really fast. But too many cops, that I have encountered and know, were attracted to the profession by their personality disorders; either anti-social or control freaks that get off making people do what they say, while armed, or actually pointing a gun them. It matters not to them whether you are a criminal, or a victim. When you encounter them, if you are not a criminal, the cop will make you his victim. The Dirty Harry types; "go ahead, make my day". We all know a few of them. It is an ego and power trip for that kind of cop. Unfortunately, many (too many) fall under that category.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Militarizing the cops was a bad idea. A military is trained to confront an enemy. Cops are being trained that the civilians they are supposed to protect are the enemy. Each and every one of us is a suspect waiting for them to "catch" us. Recent incidents are just the tip of the iceberg and come to light only because of the back issue of racism. It is happening to all segments of our society, not just to the black population.

  6. I hate zaxbys. I went to school at ncsu and tried zaxbys 3 times. Once was out of curiosity and it sucked, second time was thinking my first time was just an accident but it sucked. Viewed to never eat there again until the third time when my roommate brought it home and it sucked as well. Chicken was inconsistently cooked, fries were half assed and soda was flat all 3 times. The two times I went it was a bunch of young black kids inside standing around and the girl who gave me my order at the drive thru was annoyed when I checked the bag in front of her and asked for my straws she didn't give me. At least all the food was there. Screw that place.

  7. 11:06 you are obviously a criminal that was left with a bad taste in your mouth for paying your debt to society. I like you do not give a damn how you feel about police or our justice system. Do not do the crime if you are not man enough to do the time.

    2:26 you are obviously some social work type that feels all Americans living in poverty should blame America. I think you in fact suffer from a guilt complex that stretches back to your child hood. You know the rich white girl that dates a thug because it shows you are a good person and will piss the parents that paid for your education and all the needs you had growing up. You feel remorse for every thug in America because again it is all our fault they chose a criminal life.

    I strongly believe you are a female writer. If not you are a closet gay. Funny pretty offensive when someone calls you out and has no real idea who you truly are as a person. Think about it. Don't blame me I wasn't even there.

  8. 7:13:

    Wow! I am 2:26. You are totally clueless to my background and motivations. My opinions are based on empirical evidence (observations) and my personal relationships with police officers. You talk of white girls dating a thug. What? Are you delusional in trying to make a comment about my well thought out post? Closet gay? Female? You really do not know a thing about me, but you have made me aware of YOUR character and intelligence.


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