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Sunday, July 03, 2016

MD Democrats Continuing Push For Gun-Control Laws

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Members of Congress from Maryland and the District of Columbia are continuing their push for gun-control legislation after last week's sit-in on the House floor.

Maryland Democrats Chris Van Hollen, Elijah Cummings, Dutch Ruppersberger and John Sarbanes will talk about the gun-control measures they support during an appearance Wednesday at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore.

lso Wednesday, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat who represents the District in Congress, will host a discussion on legislation to require background checks for gun-show purchases. She'll be joined by Democratic Congressman John Garamendi of California and Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier.



  1. Of course they want gun control. That will make it safer for their constituents when they are rioting and robbing convenience stores.

  2. Unfortunately in Maryland we wont be able vote all this trash out office.

  3. Can't these jerks do something constructive?!!

  4. 2:39 Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Is it intentional?

  5. 251, what's ridiculous? Haven't you seen them on the news enough?

  6. Only criminals have gun per obama.

  7. They will be exempt and have their weapons.

  8. Something has to be done but taking away legal guns from citizens is no the answer. I'm a Republican and believe there needs to be stricter background checks. But you will never be able to stop the crazies from getting guns.

  9. Why would any parent have their children in such a dangerous place?
    I sure wouldn't want to be around any place with signage of BLM.
    Plus if any of the names mentioned were there, I'd want my children as far away from those losers as possible.

  10. 5:03 you children has a parent for a loser

  11. I just want to have something in my pocket when the idiot cuts loose! "Gun control" is using both hands.

  12. We need DEMOCRAT control, not gun control.

  13. What I can't believe is the disgrace brought to the Sarbanes family.
    Paul and now John have just dragged the family through the muddy gutter associating with the likes of
    BLM gangs and Cummings. It's terrible to see them so gullible and being used by the Marxists that have corrupted the Democrat party.

  14. the subject is international, But we are americans with rights and freedoms we pay out the teeth for. it is our right to hold and bear arms and it writen. the amendment was set in place to shut down any and all violators of those rights so you tell me are you willing to just hand this country over to the UN or are you going to stand up to the rightious govt that is trying to abolish and walk over our american born rights that were promised to uskeep america america!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Gun control is hitting your target. What we need is immigrant control.
    Don't let them in. The ones that are here illegally taking all of our jobs and getting welfare, send them back where they came from. Simple then problem solved.

  16. This crowd makes you proud to be from the "Free State" don't it?


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