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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Massive Collusion?

By Thornton Crowe

If you don't believe it, the proof is in the email. Found in the many emails on WikiLeaks, below shows the collusion between Clinton/DNC/Media that was so prevalent during primaries and now in the general election.


click to enlarge
Looks like the DNC doesn't think Democrat voters really have anything to do with candidate selection! Nice huh?


  1. POTUS is chosen by the elites, not elected by the People.
    This means POTUS works for the elites, not the People.

    This is why politicians never do what the People want them to do.
    They don't work for us and they never did.

  2. With that attitude 359 why bother voting? Do you vote?

  3. 4:00
    Put your head back in the sand. If the crap going on in this election cycle hasn't given you any reason to consider what 3:59 said, nothing ever will. Here's your sign.

  4. This is 400 here to 438:

    I'm telling you it's time to take your country back from this mentality. You stick your head in the sand is because complicity is much easier than reclaiming what is rightfully yours! What a putz.

  5. This is one reason why Hillary should not become President. It is rigged, as Trump has claimed all along. So vote for the outsider Trump.

  6. as I have said repeatedly on here, and I see I am not alone judging by 359's comment. voting doesn't matter. if it mattered they wouldn't let us do it. people are selected, not elected. voting is like two doors leading to the same room. two wings of the same bird. voting is an illusion of choice. it doesn't matter who wins, "they" own every candidate. why do people spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to get a position that only pays about 250,000 a year? (ask Killary)


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