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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Maryland gained 9,800 jobs in June

Maryland gained 9,800 total jobs in June thanks to increases in the leisure and hospitality industry and information technology.

The state's unemployment rate dropped to 4.3 percent, a slight decrease from 4.5 percent in May, according to preliminary data released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The private sector added 11,700 jobs. Leisure and hospitality gained 6,100 jobs in June, while the information technology sector grew by 2,900 jobs because of growth in telecommunications. Professional and business services grew by 2,600 jobs while trade, transportation and utilities increased by 1,700 jobs. Manufacturing increased by 300 jobs. On the flip side, government jobs decreased by 1,900 and the education and health services industry lost 100 positions.



  1. Yes I had heard that McDonald's, Walmart, and Arby's were hiring.

  2. Tourist season, is all. Minimum wage seasonal jobs. Meanwhile, how many real manufacturing jobs were lost? Where's that number?

  3. While that sounds all dandy, the problem is they're probably part-time jobs and in the service industries. Great for high school and college kids but what about adults? Not so much.

  4. All those jobs are on the civilized side of the Bay. Have fun waiting tables for the softball crowd here.


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