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Monday, July 25, 2016

Marilyn Mosby: Insanity Defined

Many believe the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. For them, we might consider including an image with the definition — the image of Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

Mosby, and her obedient if misguided courtroom prosecutors, are now not just zero for four in their efforts to convict Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray. They are zero for 22, since not a single charge faced by the officers as they approached trial has held water.

While the national news is now hotly focused on the Republican National Convention and on the painful assassination of eight police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, the Freddie Gray case seems like yesterday’s news — a tiny article in the regional or state section of any major publication. The convulsive violence, arson, and attacks on police that followed Gray’s in-custody injury and subsequent death has receded to almost footnote status while six experienced Baltimore cops have fought mightily for their names and futures.



  1. Here's the perfect example of where blacks and whites differ. When Nifong was accused of the same thing as Mosby whites called for his disbarment in record numbers and other sanctions. Not blacks with Mosby. She's been proven over and over and over a liar but blacks remain silent. This shows the complete lack of morals and honesty present in black communities. Even local naacp garbage Ashanti couldn't wait to jam her head up the stinking rectum called the Gray case and praised Mosby on FB. Now that she's been proven a liar where Ashanti? Silent of course. Ashanit is just like the majority of them. No morals no honesty no decency all around bad people who have no problem selling their souls and following the doctrine of satan.

  2. Mosby's just another example of the failure of affirmative action. All she is doing now is guaranteeing the INNOCENT Baltimore 6 will be multi millionaires after this circus is all said and done. They deserve this and more after all they have been through.
    After the first acquittal the judge hinted that he couldn't have found the officer guilty of anything without different or more evidence. Second acquittal he spelled it out in plain English simplified enough that even the least intelligent among us would understand. What did Mosby do? Went ahead w/another trial and of course the judge acquitted that officer of all charges. That trial and any more with the judge's admonitions in his decisions only go to proving malicious intent on Mosby's part. Unfortunately she and those who support her aren't the least bit intelligent and don't get it. The city of Baltimore will once again pay out 10's of millions this time to officers who rightly deserve it and the city's least fortunate (mostly blacks0 will suffer the consequences because it will be them that are denied city services. Just another example of a long pattern of blacks acting stupidly and their actions causing them to do nothing more than devouring their own.

  3. When was the last time Baltimore was an upstanding city? Does anyone know?

  4. 1:33 Maybe when the star spangled banner was written? Or when Brooks Robinson won his last gold glove? Just saying it's been a long,long while.


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