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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Major Maryland Prison Disturbance

Results In Four Seriously Injured Inmates Cumberland ‐ A major disturbance occurred at the Western Correctional Institution (WCI) near Cumberland, Maryland at approximately 11:30PM on Wednesday, July, 20, 2016. Four inmates are One inmate is reported to have been seriously injured and taken from the facility to receive emergency medical treatment to repair a broken jaw. No officers are reported injured at this time. 

Between 25 and 40 inmates are alleged to have been involved Twenty‐six inmates were involved in the major disturbance. Two housing units at WCI were placed on “modified” lock down (some inmates temporarily locked in cells for security reasons). Nearly 30 officers were scrambled from neighboring North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI) to help restore order at WCI. 

Security officers confirmed the violence was gang related – Member so the “Bloods” and the “Black Guerilla Family” (BGF) gangs were involved in the disturbance and improvised weapons were used.


  1. Correctional Officers

  2. "Nearly 30 officers were scrambled from neighboring North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI) to help restore order at WCI."

    How do you scramble corrections officers from another institution? That's smart, once those prisoners find out about the officers that left they will start rioting. Why not call in the real police officers with real guns. Shoot the bastards that are rioting.

    1. Real police??? Are you serious? Most police can't handle being locked in with the inmates. And wow you want them to bring a gun into the institution. What if that gun gets taken then what? Go lay down and don't comment on things you clearly have no idea or understanding about.

  3. Taking CO's from one institute to help another normally happens after a lockdown is placed to insure a Riot won't happen.
    As for the Real Cops comment. Would you want to be placed into a prison with rioting gang members that you sent to that prison?! That's An even bigger safety issue for officers who lack the training to subdue and diffuse a situation. The main goal is the lockdown and restore order. Not add more chaos with street police.

  4. 6:42 what type of physical test do you have to pass to be a CO?. Oh and how long is your academy?.let's face it you have a rough job, but don't have to pass a physical test which includes push up, sit ups and mile and a half timed run. You don't have PT incorporated into your academy, so don't complain about cops until your standards improve.

  5. They closed the door on me and let 96 inmates come out of their cells. Me and 96 inmates. They more than likely had weapons. I had none.

    How many push ups do you think would have helped me ?


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