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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Liberals More Likely to Cry Than Conservatives

Conservatives are more interested in the outdoors and the gun range while liberals prefer “museums, yoga, and crying,” according to a new study by the online dating website OkCupid.

OkCupid used data from nearly 200,000 profiles for its Words and Politics analysis, which also found that liberals looking for love are vegetarians and conservatives like steak.

“Whether we’re aware of it or not, our political beliefs influence how we advertise ourselves romantically,” the dating site wrote on its “Deep End” blog. “To dig into this, we looked at words used on tens of thousands of OkCupid profiles to see which ones best distinguish liberals and conservatives, and then compared those words to OkCupid match questions.”

For users who said they are “actively seeking love” the divide between conservatives and liberals was stark.

“Like the outdoors or going to the shooting range? So do a majority of conservatives interested in love,” OkCupid said. “Liberals looking for love prefer museums, yoga, and crying.”

The analysis also found liberals tend to list “The Daily Show, Broad City, NPR, podcasts, and weed” on their profiles, while conservatives mention “Jesus, faith, guns, and Marines.”

More here


  1. Liberal men are weak

  2. This article explains that OKCupid is spying and tracking its members.
    The government then uses this information to control the population.

  3. Liberals are weak sheep; easily led and run on emotions not common sense and practicality. Most have no knowledge of history and are usually godless. No healthy core beliefs; just go with the flow...character is questionable.

  4. Proper term is whine.


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