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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Justice Ginsburg's Trump Comments Raise Red Flags

Some are questioning whether Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was out of line for criticizing Donald Trump in two recent interviews.

Ginsburg, whose liberal views are well known, blasted Trump in interviews with The New York Times and the Associated Press in recent days.
But her comments — among them, "Now it's time for us to move to New Zealand [if Trump wins]" — are causing a bit of a stir.

"I find it baffling actually that she says these things," law professor Arthur Hellman told The Washington Post. "She must know that she shouldn't be. However tempted she might be, she shouldn't be doing it."

The problem with Supreme Court justices taking a public stance against a candidate for office is two-fold: it breaks the tradition of justices mostly not doing so, and it could force her to recuse herself from any future cases involving the candidate because it displays bias...

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  1. the battle ax should have been retired about 13 years ago. hello dementia..good by sound reasoning.

  2. Yes it should have. I'll never forget the thing with it's mouth gaped open snoring and slobbering during the state of the nation. It's looked really gross.

  3. Yes, she was out of line, way out of line. Go on to New Zealand, they need you there.

  4. I hope she does move to New Zealand. One more justice for Trump to nominate!

  5. She should step down.

  6. I think most of us feel that this woman has no business sitting on the SC. She is very far detached from, not only Constitutional legal issues, but our Nation's mindset too.

  7. Dave T: Miserable old hag with no sense to boot.

  8. 11:38-Good point.Do you realize how many US Gov officials are in the same mental and physical state?Of course they stay in their positions until they drop.Who wouldn't? Just let you or I display those tendencies in our job & watch how long we stay employed.

  9. No wonder the elected and appointed losers stay so long. They like to hand out the taxpayers money to so many that don't need it, because they do the same thing at the government trough.

  10. The whole idea of judges appointed for life is a problem. What happens when they get so arrogant and biased like Ginsburg? Their terms should not be over 10 years, time for a change because of the obvious problems.

  11. Where's the censure from Congress? Maybe after they get back from break.


  12. She was out of line, knew it when she pulled this in two separate situations, and didn't really give a rip because there is very little anyone can really do. As an extreme liberal/progressive Associate Justice she is tightly linked to the 'rules are for little people' thought process.

    Congress is unlikely to censure her, and justices are responsible for recusing themselves, so don't hold your breath looking for her to practice responsible jurisprudence.

    Perhaps a GoFundMe for her with the specific requirement that she resign and leave for New Zealand before Labor Day, and remain there, and that she gets to keep any money donated beyond cost of her travel.

    Lots of people could get behind a Ruthless program like that!

  13. She needs to lay off the alcohol for a while.


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