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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

JUST IN: Ex-National Guard member charged with plotting to help ISIS

McLEAN, Va. (AP) - A former National Guard soldier has been charged with plotting to help the Islamic State and contemplating a Fort Hood-style attack against the U.S. military.

Twenty-six-year-old Mohamed Jalloh of Sterling, Virginia, is expected to make an initial appearance Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria.

Court records made public Tuesday indicate Jalloh is a former member of the Army National Guard who says he quit after hearing lectures from radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.


The Press release from the DOJ can be found HERE 


  1. If he is a friend of Hildebeast he might get off!

  2. He was just "Careless", like Hitler-y. Worked for her, he needs to say the same thing!

  3. Next time a cop pulls me over for speeding I will tell him the same thing, "I was just careless in driving" and so like Hillary, I deserve a pass.

  4. That is treason. It is a firing squad offense. Traitor needs to die

  5. Funny how all of these people have a muslim name...

  6. I would have never assumed someone named Mohamed might be a traitor?
    Serving in the military?
    Armed and trained with weapons?

    Never guessed it.


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