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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Judicial Watch chief: Slowly but surely, the Clinton email cover up is unraveling

It is no surprise that neither Hillary Clinton nor the Obama State Department agrees with our request to depose Mrs. Clinton concerning her exclusive use of her non-state.gov email account to house and send tens of thousands of official emails throughout her entire tenure as secretary of state.

What is notable is that the State Department finally admits that Clinton’s practice of supposedly emailing other State officials using her non-state.gov account was not an “appropriate method of preserving federal records or making them available for searches under FOIA.”

Second, it is both significant and disturbing that Hillary Clinton now asserts a private “claim of right” over her non-state.gov email account, including any of the 55,000 pages of federal records she returned to the State Department. She further claims that these and other emails, including emails that may have contained classified information, have “never been the property of or in the possession or control of the State Department.”

Also important is the difference between the State Department’s and Mrs. Clinton’s most fundamental claims as to why neither agency staff nor Mrs. Clinton should testify.



  1. As the email debacle is further exposed, so will be more of the Clinton's despicable worldwide dealings and corruption. That justice will prevail, though, is far from being a certainty.

  2. Dream on they just cover it up for lie.

  3. It was interesting to watch the Clintons try to deny they took a $1.4 million dollar deduction on their income to the Clinton Foundation and then deny they benefited from the tax deduction.
    John Doe would be in jail if he donated 20% of his income to his John Doe Foundation and then received a salary (yes, tax exempt) from the Foundation for being the Director of the Foundation.


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