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Saturday, July 09, 2016

James Comey: Hillary Clinton not ‘sophisticated enough’ to understand classified markings

Hillary Clinton wasn’t “sophisticated enough” to know she was risking national security when she sent and received classified information, so it was impossible to make a criminal case against her, FBI Director James B. Comey told Congress on Thursday.

He said Mrs. Clinton, the former State Department secretary and now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was briefed on the State Department’s policies but broke them, sending or receiving more than 100 messages that contained information that was confidential at the time she handled it. He also confirmed that she misled voters in her public explanations, and he insisted that she would have faced discipline, including potentially losing her right to see secret information, if she were still a government employee.

But he said his investigators couldn’t find any evidence that Mrs. Clinton intended to break the law, which he said means they couldn’t recommend that she be prosecuted.

“Certainly, she should have known not to send classified information,” Mr. Comey told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. “I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That, I could establish. What we can’t establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent.”



  1. Like I keep saying, she is STUPID!

  2. He also described all of the people that will continue to vote for her!

  3. So Hillary Clinton got a free pass,,That lying Bi@#H can kiss my A$$,,Comey and Lynch and all the democrats are all a bunch of lying rats,,come November the Republicans will win and help make America great again. Stu Stinchfield

  4. Voting is not going to do it anymore , whoever wins , civil unrest is a given , maybe worse, please be prepared folks .

  5. So he said she is a "Stupid C@@t"!

  6. And I guess she didn't have sense enough to ask what those (c)'s were or what they meant.

  7. if she doesnt have the sense to know and understand a simple email marking then she doesnt have the sense to run this country. she should not ever be able to sit behind the oval desk.

  8. Not sophisticated enough to decipher classified markings, but she's qualified to be president?

    Will she need help finding her desk?

  9. I suppose that means that she is not sophisticated enough to be President of the United States. Maybe sophisticated enough to run for dog catcher.

  10. This is a misinterpretation of what Comey said so you all can be mislead and also get your emotions fired up.

  11. I would say that Mr. Comey is completely incorrect. Congress Republicans weren't buying and neither should any of us.

    If they expect us to look at her as a viable candidate, her campaign is going to have to walk that one back. However, by doing so, it's a full admission of several crimes in the process.

    Clinton's put herself in a real cluster. Not one I'd ever want to be in, that's for sure. I'd say stupidity is more the case because either way, she's screwed to the gills. Thus, making her ill-fit for the presidency.

    Let's face it, if she really wanted to be president since whenever, she would've kept her nose clean. Her serial criminality is demonstrative of someone who doesn't really want to be president. Americans don't like dishonesty on any level, but especially one that sells us out to foreign actors.


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