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Monday, July 25, 2016

IT’S OUT! WikiLeaks EXPOSES Media’s Secret Cooperation With Democrats!

WikiLeaks published 50,000 files from the DNC yesterday. It is a treasure trove of damning crap against Hillary Clinton. Per Denise Simon: “For background, Julian Assange, the known manager of the entire WikiLeaks program appears to have some Belarus and Russia loyalties. Furthermore, Paul Manafort and Donald Trump have relationships as well. Could it be that Assange and the Kremlin have colluded in the U.S. elections and the DNC is waiting for the moment to destroy the general election process?” Excellent question! WikiLeaks and Russia have been threatening to dump these emails and they kept their word. All to help Donald Trump. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that the media and Hillary Clinton have been in bed together for a very long time and this shows it.

We’ve always assumed the media was working with the Democrats (see That Facebook Executive Claiming no Bias? Actually a Huge Hillary Donor… and Joe Scarborough Exposes Liberal NBC Bias…on MSNBC?). Now, thanks to Wikileaks, we have a paper trail. Or a smoking gun. Whichever metaphor you find less triggering.

Kenneth Vogel, a reporter for Politico, sent a copy of his story about Hillary Clinton’s fundraising to the DNC in late April before publishing it. The subject line read: “per agreement … any thoughts appreciated.” The agreement was that they could see his story before Vogel’s editors saw it, as long as he didn’t share it. There weren’t any significant edits made, Business Insider reported, and Clinton still was unhappy about the story. But the agreement still is strange considering that journalists typically don’t get approval on stories first from their subjects. A source told Business Insider this was just to make sure the facts were accurate. You can read the email here.



  1. Total corruption!

  2. How can one be excited about that statement, "Russia plans to dump emails in order to help Donald Trump" ? This is the same Russia that bombed a US base over the weekend and nobody says anything about it

  3. Democraps don't care about this! They'll vote for her no matter what truth comes out!

  4. The fact remains that these are actual emails, not fakes, regardless of who let them slip out. It kind of says something, too, about the internet security at the DNC, that it's sort of on parallel with Hillary's private server security.

  5. Say it ain't so, this is hard to believe. Lol
    Of course they will support their candidate no matter what, same as I will support Trump no matter what.

  6. 1049 you'd be surprised at how many Democrats aren't voting for Hillary. Too bad DNC is living in a Fairy tale land. 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

  7. The Dems are pushing the Russian/Trump alliance, beginning with altering the meaning of a Donald quote. This is all a part of their propaganda to distract from their illegal actions.

  8. And this is why Fox News was created in the first place. To reveal the truth that the mainstream media were not reporting.

  9. 1140 actually their insistence about Russia only galvanizes people to Trump because most don't want Cold War politico from days past. It's more peaceful when world leaders are working together rather at odds all the time. So their Cold War-baiting is seriously misguided.

  10. 11:47AM in many times here recently, Fox News seems to have lost its way. It, too, repeats the same bad information and poll numbers put out with media outlets colluding with DNC and Clinton campaign.

  11. The Empress has no clothes. No, the pantsuits don't count.

  12. At this rate Mr Trump wont need to raise much money,the democrats will destroy themselves!

  13. Just saw some of the crowd at the DNC.

    What caught my attention was all the "Stop TPP" signs in the crowd!

    This is the trade treaty that obama and clinton said was just SO great! It was so great, however, that it could only be viewed in a private room, no notes, no photo, no nothing.

    It was......wait......wait.....TOO secret for the American people to know any of the details. But obama and clinton cheered it like crazy!
    BUT, after Trump comes out against it and pressure builds on the liars and deceivers, both sanders and hillary have come out against it. Whaaaaaat?
    At least until the election.
    Then, it will be brilliant again!


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