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Monday, July 11, 2016

It's Known As "The Pool Of Death" Look At Why... UNBELIEVABLE!!

The ‘Pool of Death’ in Hawaii’s Kipu Falls along the Huleia Stream is a scary reminder of the dangers on the big island.

This video of some kids jumping and swimming in these treacherous waters should make you wince.

Native Hawaiians and other locals know from experience that fluctuating tides and seasonal changes can make this the swim of a lifetime, or the end of a life. When you see just how much the pool changes in just a short period you’ll know why it’s a jump best left to native islanders.

Check out what could be the most fun thing you ever tried, or the last.

It’s not a sure thing, but it’s said that no locals have ever drowned here, only tourists. Even experienced Islanders, strong swimmers, and people that know better don’t challenge waters like these without a lifetime of local knowledge.

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