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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Hillary's Closest Aide Admits Clinton 'Illegally' Burned Daily Schedule

Just two weeks after we exposed the fact that Hillary Clinton's official calendar is "missing" a lot of entries, more 'illegal' allegations are being exposed from her reign as Secretary of State.

In a deposition last week, NYPost reports that Hillary Clinton's cloests aide - Huma Abedin - revelaed that her bossdestroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the presumptive Democratic nominee, who, along with the State Department she ran, is facing numerous lawsuits seeking those public records.



  1. Burned, yea right.
    They are buried somewhere in plain sight. She wouldn't burn anything, it could be used as blackmail somewhere down the road.
    She is a LIAR, but she isn't stupid.

  2. Hillary slammed Gen Petraeus on his not having records of activities in Iraq when she questioned him on daily patrols, and prisoner questioning.


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