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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hillary: White Americans Need To Do A Better Job Recognizing Their Privilege

Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and and practice humility.”

Clinton said, “We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African-Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face everyday. We need to recognize our privilege and and practice humility, rather than assume our experiences are everyone’s experiences.”



  1. Anything for a black vote Hillary u Sellout.

  2. I sure do recognize Ms. Clinton's white privilege.

  3. Screw you Mrs. Clinton. My white privilege gets me a 6 day, 60 hour work week at my business. I do this because I choose to work like a dog. I would rather work myself to death than to accept handouts from the government. We need to stop feeling sorry for everyone and let "survival of the fittest" do it's thing. My motto - work hard and be happy. Just what democrats don't want to hear.

  4. 1:09 PM, yeah, me too and I'm white but her privilege sure is more than most of us have.

  5. Not being indicted even when overwhelming evidence is present is a privilege and she certainly isn't humble about it. But, at this point, what difference does it make?

  6. There is no such thing as white privilege, that's a talking point to gain votes and divide people. Need to get away from feeling entitled and start earning your way for what you want. Have better respect for yourself and get an education clean up your act and bring back family and values.

  7. Dave T: Yes, just what I need. An full fledged liar to tell me how to live my life so she an practice appeasement. Sure Hillary, I'll start listening to black people more just as soon as you complete your prison time that's long over due.

  8. Wow like she's not been privileged her entire life! She is simply unreal she needs to practice not being a liar.

  9. Whites pay the bills so YES i feel privilidge.

  10. People like her have taken (from the privileged white people, mostly) well over a TRILLION dollars and given it to welfare mothers and their kids, none of whom have, or will ever have, a job. They are worse off now than ever. And it's white people's fault? Seriously????
    Three generations on the dole and WHITE people are the ones privileged???
    I wish they would start trying to acquire some of my privilege. I'm getting tired of it. Going to work (so they don't have) to is something I never thought of as a "privilege", but I guess it all in one's perspective.
    Keep cheering.

  11. Yeah I feel privileged paying 35%+ in taxes said a small business owner

  12. Yes I feel the "Privilege". Job quotas screwing me royally, last to get a job, not getting points added to my scores, last to get promoted, do you want me to continue? This happen to me when I was working because I was a "WHITE MALE". This happen with me the complete time I worked for the State of Maryland.

  13. Not all of us white people can commit felonies and not be prosecuted.

  14. I'm white and maybe I should do a better job recognizing my privilaged life. I lost my mother when I was seven to her drug addiction. She drained my parents bank account, sold everything valuable in our house including my brother's and my belongings. She took off and I've only seen her a couple times over the past 30 years. My dad sold our house and all its contents at auction. We moved into an apartment where he slept on the floor. Although he received custody of my brother and me he never received one penny of child support from her. He never received one penny of assistance from the State or food stamps either. He worked his butt off to take care of my brother and me. I'm very privilaged to have had a broke white man as a father that worked every day to take care of his children without depending on anyone in the government for help.

  15. Socio-economic/class privilege is very real...

    Look at the Obama family, the Clintons, and so on. Obama's daughter had her choice of Ivy League schools begging to admit her...Chelsea Clinton was given a $650,000/year job as a tv show commentator, right out of college. Hillary was given a pass by the FBI when a mere peasant would have been imprisoned and lost everything.

    But "white" privilege? Nope.


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