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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hillary Strategist Blames "Stupid White People" For Popularity of Trump

"Stupid white people are the worst"

Senior Hillary strategist and former Obama campaign director Mitch Stewart says that the continuing popularity of Donald Trump can be attributed to one factor – “stupid white people.”

Stewart, who is white himself, is the founder of 270 Strategies, a consultancy firm that worked with Clinton Super PAC Ready for Hillary.

He also served as Battleground States Director for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign and was hailed by the Guradian as helping to build “a historic ground operation that will provide the model for political campaigns in America and around the world for years to come.”

In a tweet, Stewart asserts, “Uneducated whites are keeping @realDonaldTrump at his current numbers. Stupid white people are the worst.”



  1. How about stupid liberals voting for Hilary?

  2. 12:23 PM, EXACTLY!!!

  3. hillary opening her mouth makes herself her worse enemy stupid is as stupid does enough said

  4. Coming from them, it's a compliment, a piece of sheer flattery.

  5. Well stupid white people is how Obama was elected twice so Mitchy should kiss the ground stupid where stupid white people walk.

  6. They still don't get it, do they? This election is about electing an outsider to undo a lot of damage the politicians have caused. Many supporting Trump are a lot smarter than Stewart.

  7. Then I guess I'm stupid?

  8. I have a masters in business from an ivy league school and I am voting for trump! I would think only uneducated people at this point would vote for Hillary based on all that we know.

  9. Look at a map showing areas of dense Democratic party voters and then ask me again who's stupid.

  10. This is an intelligent person, he isn't saying this for no reason. He knows he can gain more of the minority vote for Hillary.

  11. remember when obammy was on national tv and stated he had been to 57 states and had one more to go, and that his staff would not let him go to alaska and hawaii? I guess that would have made it 60 states then?

  12. Good, that leaves only the dead the tax sucking ignorant WHITE retarded moron zombie evil-hearted idiots to vote for commie Democrats? Appears she has a pretty big following among the black and illegal voters, with some white sprinkles. Donald should be nervous! LOL NOT, Hillarious. They have the audacity to maintain a straight face. When they continuously lie deceive and misrepresent. Hillary for prison and Trump for president 2016!!!

  13. Insult them so they will vote for your side?

    Real smucking fart.

    You go, boy!

  14. He's actually preying on the stupidity of anyone that would vote democratic. Keep in mind Donald Trump is a republican to hijack the corrupt two party "democracy" facade we have. It's false choice, but to beat it now, you have to work from within a major party. Obviously democrats are closer to a cult or psychological plantation, so the best route was to hijack the Republican Party with true liberal, independent, sovereign, moral, goals. It should be obvious to anyone with a pulse that the mainstream media, main stream democrats, main stream republicans are ALL controlled by the banks, military industrial complex, and corporations. There is a reason they are all going after Trump. He's not an insider who will put all the corruption behind bars. He's going to clean house, and the globalist's are scared!

    Black man btw!

  15. These are same people that put Obama in office.

  16. So she thinks the black Trump supporters are uncle toms? Hate to think what she calls the latin trump supporters.

  17. I rather be stupid then a libtard!

  18. It's like Ben Carson said we have the ability to reason. So listen and use your brain! Hilary represents Lucifer and Trump in God we trust.

  19. No one in their right mind would elect a grandmother to run the country.


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