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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton Says As President, She Would Call Obama, 'Asking for His Advice'

Democrat Hillary Clinton has campaigned on the promise to carry on where President Obama left off -- to make her first term President Obama's third term, in effect.

In an intervew with CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday, Clinton said she'll be "relying" on Obama when he leaves office: "You know, I've already put him on notice. I'm going to be picking up the phone. I'm going to be calling and asking for his advice."

Clinton was making the point that she would have the advice of two former presidents -- Obama and her own husband Bill.

The comments came after correspondent Scott Pelley told Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, "You're going to be vice president in a White House with two presidents." Kaine called it "an embarrassment of riches."

Then Clinton jumped in: "I think it's an all-hands-on-deck time. We're going to have a cracker-jack staff. And we're going to have, you know, great efforts with our congressional allies and others.

More here


  1. She should ask him if he knows a good lawyer.

  2. All presidents consult with former presidents

  3. Why? Neither of them are qualified to do the job and Hillary is far better at being a scum bag. So what would she need to talk to him about?

  4. that alone should more than seal her fate to loose

  5. And the Dems think they had something with Obama and now want to ad to every problem with this country, pin the tail on the Democrats boy this gets old. He denied he was an Islamist, she is a crook, her husband a murderer (foster remember him) sounds like a soap opera.

  6. God knows that she doesn't get any from Bill, only gives it, along with marching orders.

  7. Yes, let me see,if you play Congressional Golf Course number 7 which is a par 3. I would definitely go with a 6-iron


  8. She won't need his advice where she will eventually end up. After President Trump completes the "security review" she will call Meals on Wheels because the food is not great in the big house, and I don't mean The White House that we will be taking back.


  9. Neither one of those waste water filled brains could pick up the phone when Benghazi happened. Who is kidding us? Does she have the speed dial to his teleprompter?

    Full-time, chronic, serial liar!

  10. This is such good news. I thought we would have to stop saying "Thanks Obama" when anything bad happened, now we can carry on!

  11. That comment right there "she would call Obama and ask for his advice" should be enough for people not to vote for her.

  12. If she will have to rely on Bill and Obama to make all of her decisions she has no business being President.The President is suppose to make The decisions not the advisors. I guess that means Trump is the only one running that is qualified to be President.

  13. Cracker jack staff? Who would be the prize? Joe Biden ? Are cracker Jacks racist?


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