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Saturday, July 09, 2016

Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men

Hillary Clinton used a CNN interview on Friday to completely embrace the Democrats’ claim that white people and cops must change to help reduce the number of African-Americans killed in tense exchanges with cops.

“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves [from police], when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police,” Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.



  1. If anyone bothers to look at black male homicides it is other blacks killing blacks, they can't blame whites for what they do, and their high crime blame themselves.

  2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Keep the Troops Up!July 9, 2016 at 2:23 PM

    Wait. Isn't this the same woman who calls black men superpredators and wants to bring them heel?! How hypocritical. She'll say anything to get elected.

  3. Say anything she thinks will get her elected. What a POS to not even say anything about recently slain officers that were picked off. Does she even personally know, or is friends with, any black people, except the Oblamas? I seriously doubt it. Assigning blame on white people & people is constructive how? It's not, it's creating more divisiveness. Whites get killed by cops, but no one's beating any drums about that! Granted, some LEOs seem to be overreacting, but who can blame them, given the climate fueled by Obama (think Ferguson, etc.). Trump did a very good statement, I feel.

  4. It's a commin folks , be patient , we are almost there. Last time I counted 100,000,000 strong with Trump. Of course several dead people will be voting for the communist Hillary , not enough.

  5. She, like her husband will say anything to anybody for a vote. They have pandering down to a science.

  6. So we should start breaking the law and then fight the officers when they try to arrest us ? No I don't want to get shot so I'll just continue to work for a living and pay taxes to house the people that use crime as a second income.

  7. She is just like Obama absolutely clueless. I know I've heard over the years when talking about celebrities like movie Stars etc. that as long as someone is talking about them rather good or bad, they stay in the news and stay popular, it's exactly that she doesn't think for 5 minutes about what she's saying just trying to pacify the blacks in this case. She wants their vote bottom line, she has no morals, no real spine, not a real thought in her empty head.

  8. 2:19 they are too dumb to figure it out. Dumb and their lack of any morals prevent them from ever being honest and admitting the truth. This is why they lie so much. They are not an honest moral people.

  9. This country needs to eradicate all this trash and illegals

    1. Well according to history white folks are the illegals....y'all stole this country...the nerve of u

  10. Regardless of whether or not her words match the perpetrators, the fact remains, she sees black men as 'superpredators' and she wishes to bring them to heel. This is a disturbing glimpse into a dangerous mind. The last thing this country needs is four more years of a divider in chief. Plus, her criminal actions disqualifies her to begin with. Can't be president if you can't qualify for super clearance. That's just the way it is. Thanks but no thanks.

  11. She is a bad person.

  12. @ 4:46
    Uh, remodeled, improved, led the world, watched bleeding heart guilt ridden mushy liberal progressives destroy.

    Hillary is a psychopath. That's official.


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