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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Have You Had Enough Of The Female Liberal LIARS Yet?


  1. Looks like it could actually be the same troll!

  2. Democrats don't care about the truth, just say whatever they want and up til now no one challenges them. This has simply gone on too long.
    Trump says it is time to take off the gloves.
    God Bless America

  3. Rewriting history seems to be a cottage industry for today's Dems.

  4. We desperately need a return to truth. But it doesn't seem like the Democratic Party will be the ones to take us there.

  5. There isn't an honest democrat alive nor a truly educated one. They have brainwashed confused with educated.

  6. Democrats are the greatest threat to America.

  7. This article should have nothing to do with females, democrat, republicians, or men! There are enough lies and misinfornation to go around for all concerned; and all are guilty! By boxing in people you are doing the very same thing that you complain about and thus become no better than any other hate group. Grow up and conduct yourself as a responsible adult instead a promoting the same kind of division as our President does.


  8. Swipe right? I don't think so!

    Maybe Babs can play tambourine for O'Malley.


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